Naming a female child in South Africa is pivotal in all cultures irrespective of background, beliefs, faiths, and everyday life. Although in recent times, South Africans prefer to use English names and other religious figures in their holy books.
The use of South African female names is mostly based on the events that occurred at the time of birth of the child.
For instance, a daughter who looks like one of her parents can be named Fanisawa in Xhosa. Also in Zulu, a girl child can be named Lindelani ( wait, be patient) when the parents or family are in a desperate situation and the name will be given to the girl as hope to the family.
The Most Pleasing South African Female Names and Meanings

In South Africa, there are different languages with different names. Zulu and Xhosa are the most spoken languages in the country and the names of the languages are also prevalent.
Interestingly, some of these South African female names and meanings are also used by some of the tribes. For instance, you could find a name that is used by the Tswana and Swahili, Zulu Xhosa hence they share some sort of bonds through their names.
When giving female children names, families take a look at the time, religion, and other events that will birth a name for the female child.
Here are Some South African Female Names and Meanings (Zulu)
1. Ahmale
- Pronunciation: Ah-mah-shle
- Meaning: The Beautiful one/ Beauty
- Best for : Female
2. Ayanda
- Pronunciation: ah-yaan-dah
- Meaning: The family is growing, to increase abundance, to multiply
- Best for : Unisex
- Also used by: Xhosa, Zulu,Shona
3. Minenhle
- Pronunciation: mi-nen-she
- Meaning: beautiful day, beautiful or pleasant
- Best for: Female
4. Langa
- Pronunciation: lam-gah
- Meaning: sun, sunshine
- Best for: Female
5. Lindiwe
- Pronunciation: Lin-dee-we
- Meaning: waited for
- Best for: Female
6. kaya
- Pronunciation: kah- yah
- Meaning: restful peace
- Best for: Female
7. Jabulile
- Pronunciation: Jah-bu-li-leh
- Meaning: she is happy
- Best for: Female
8. Nobantu
- Pronunciation: no-ban-ntu or no-bahn-tu
- Meaning: mother of people, my dearest friend, for the people
- Best for: Female
9. Nandi
- Pronunciation: Nan-di
- Meaning: sweet
- Best for: Female
10. Enanela
- Pronunciation: Eh-nah-neh-lah
- Meaning: rejoice
- Best for: Female
11. Melamina
- Pronunciation: me-la-mi-na
- Meaning: carry my name, advocate for me
- Best for: Unisex
12. Nqobile
- Pronunciation: nqo-bi-le
- Meaning: Has come up victorious in what was a hopeless situation
- Best for: Female
13. Lindelani
- Pronunciation: Lin-deh-lah-ni
- Meaning: wait, be patient
- Best for: Female
14. Thalente
- Pronunciation: Th(a)-len-te
- Meaning: talent
- Best for: Female
15. Noxolo
- Pronunciation: Noh-xoh-loh
- Meaning: Mother of peace
- Best for: Female
16. Owethu
- Pronunciation: Oh-we-th-u
- Meaning: she is ours
- Best for: Female
- Pronunciation: Lun-gi-le
- Meaning: Kind/good
- Also used by Ndebele
- Best for: Female
18. Nomcebo
- Pronunciation: n(o)-mce-bo, nom-cebo
- Meaning: mother of wealth
- Best for: Female
19. Nonjabulo
- Pronunciation: n(o)-njabu-lo, non-ja -bu-lo
- Meaning: mother of joy
- Best for: Female
20. Busiswe
- Pronunciation: bu-sis-we
- Meaning: (baby) is blessed
- Best for: Female
21. Zibuyile
- Pronunciation: zi-bu-yi-le
- Meaning: The dowry cows have come back
- Best for: Female
22. Silondile
- Pronunciation: si-lon-dile
- Meaning: has kept us
- Best for: Female
23. Gugu
- Pronunciation: gu-gu
- Meaning: treasure
- Best for: Female
24. Thembile
- Pronunciation: th(e) -mbi-le
- Meaning: Hopeful
- Best for: Female
25. Sibusisiwe
- Pronunciation: si-bu-sis-we
- Meaning: We are blessed
- Best for: Female
- Also used by Ndebele
26. Thandeka
- Pronunciation: Th(a)-nde-ka
- Meaning: lovely/ beloved
- Also used by Ndebele
- Best for: Female
27. Nomandla
- Pronunciation: N(o)-mand-la
- Meaning: Mother of strength
- Best for: Female
28. Nonhlanhla
- Pronunciation: N(o)-nhlanh-la
- Meaning: Mother of luck
- Best for: Female
29. Kuhle
- Pronunciation: ku-hle
- Meaning: It is beautiful
- Best for: Female
30. Ndonsa
- Pronunciation: n-don-sa
- Meaning: Morning star
- Best for: Female
31. Zinhle
- Pronunciation: zin-le
- Meaning: You are responsible for what you become
- Best for: Female
32. Esihle
- Pronunciation: Esi-hle
- Meaning: beautiful
- Best for: Female
33. Ekusani
- Pronunciation: Eku-se-ni
- Meaning: in the morning
- Best for: Female
34. Dela
- Pronunciation: Del-a
- Meaning: complete and satisfied
- Best for: Female
35. Anele
- Pronunciation: Ah-ne-le
- Meaning: Be sufficient
- Best for: Female
36. Didiza
- Pronunciation: Di-di-za
- Meaning: Flutter
- Best for: Female
Swahili Names and Meanings
37. Nia
- Pronunciation: Ni- yah
- Meaning: With Purpose
- Best for: Female
38. Simba
- Pronunciation: Si-mba
- Meaning: Lion
- Best for: Female
39. Malaika
- Pronunciation: Ma-lai-Kah
- Meaning: Angel, Heaven’s gate/ opener, Beautiful
- Best for: Female
40. Zuri
- Pronunciation: Zoo- ree
- Meaning: Beautiful
- Best for: Female
41. Lulu
- Pronunciation: Lu-lu
- Meaning: Pearl
- Best for: Female
42. Kenyada
- Pronunciation: Ken-yah-da
- Meaning: Gem
- Best for: Female
43. Zahara
- Pronunciation: Zaa- haa- rah
- Meaning: To shine
- Best for: Female
44. Adea
- Pronunciation: ah-de-ah
- Meaning: A Kind from God
- Best for: Female
45. Kamaria
- Pronunciation: Kah- mah -ree- yah
- Meaning: like the moon
- Best for: Female
46. Nadira
- Pronunciation: na-dee-rah
- Meaning: rare
- Best for: Female
47. Aziza
- Pronunciation: ah- zee-zah
- Meaning: powerful, beloved
- Best for: Female
48. Mwamini
- Pronunciation: mwah-mih-nih
- Meaning: honest
- Best for: Female
49. Penda / Penha
- Pronunciation: pen-dah /pe-ndah
- Meaning: beloved
- Best for: Female
50. Zawati
- Pronunciation: zah-wah-tee
- Meaning: gift
- Best for: Female
51. Shani
- Pronunciation: shaa-niy
- Meaning: marvelous or wonderful
- Best for: males/Females
- Best for: Female
52. Nalah
- Pronunciation: nah-lah
- Meaning: A Lioness, furious as a lioness
- Best for: Female
53. Zalika
- Pronunciation: za-li-kah
- Meaning: one who is well born
- Best for: Female
54. Akina
- Pronunciation: ah-kee-nah
- Meaning: solidarity, bond, family bond
- Best for: Female
55. Barika
- Pronunciation: Bari -kah
- Meaning: Bloom, be successful
- Best for: Female
56. Johari
- Pronunciation: Jo-hah-ree
- Meaning: something valuable, Jewel, something precious which is adored
- Best for: Female
Xhosa Names and Their Meanings
57. Abulele
- Pronunciation: Ah- bu- le-le
- Meaning: Thankful
- Best for: Female
58. Lesedi
- Pronunciation: Le- see-di
- Meaning: Light, God’s light, a gift from God, shining
- Best for: Female
59. Zintle
- Pronunciation: Zint-leh
- Meaning: The beautiful one
- Best for: Female
60. Thembeka
- Pronunciation: Tem-be-ka
- Meaning: Trustworthy
- Best for: Female
61. Mthobelo
- Pronunciation: M-to-be-loh
- Meaning: Obedient one
- Best for: Female
62. Lulama
- Pronunciation: Luu-lah-mah
- Meaning: soft -spoken
- Best for: Female
63. Kuhle
- Pronunciation: Kuu-leh
- Meaning: Wellness
- Best for: Female
64. Zola
- Pronunciation: Zo-lah
- Meaning: Calm
- Best For : Unisex
65. Faniswa
- Pronunciation: Faa-nee-swa
- Meaning: One who looks like me
- Best for: Female
67. Bongani
- Pronunciation: Bon-ga-ni
- Meaning: Thankful
- Best for: Female
68. Babalwa
- Pronunciation: Ba-bal-wa
- Meaning: Graceful child
- Best for: Female
69. Fezeka
- Pronunciation: Fey-ze-ka
- Meaning: Fulfilled, Completed
- Best for: Female
70. Funeka
- Pronunciation: Fu-ne-kah
- Meaning: Precious Little Girl, one who is much needed in your home
- Best for: Female
71. Mafungwashe
- Pronunciation: Ma-fun-gwa-shi
- Meaning: First girl
- Best for: Female
72. Mthobeli
- Pronunciation: Mhm-to -be- li
- Meaning: Obedient one
- Best for: Female
73. Nandipha
- Pronunciation: Nan-di- fa
- Meaning: One who has good taste
- Best for: Female
74. Nceba
- Pronunciation: Nhn-ce-be
- Meaning: Mercy
- Best for: Female
75. Nobomi
- Pronunciation: No-bo-mi
- Meaning: life
- Best for: Female
76. Nomuula
- Pronunciation: No-muu-la
- Meaning: Rain, freshness
- Best for: Female
77. Vuyozaki
- Pronunciation: Vu-yo-ka zi
- Meaning: Happiness
- Best for: Female
78. Zimkhitha
- Pronunciation: Zim-ki-tha
- Meaning: One who has dignity
- Best for: Female
79. Siphosethu
- Pronunciation: Si-fo-se-thu
- Meaning: One who is your gift
- Best for: Female
80. Nomlanga
- Pronunciation: Nom-lan-ga
- Meaning: Sun, growth
- Best for: Female
81. Olwerthu
- Pronunciation: Ol-wer-thu
- Meaning: One who is your own
- Best for: Female
82. Nomble
- Pronunciation: Nom-ble
- Meaning: Graced with beauty
- Best for: Female
83. Nofoto
- Pronunciation: No-fo-to
- Meaning: Someone who is like her grandmother
- Best for: Female
84. Nocawe
- Pronunciation: No-ca-we
- Meaning: A female child born on Sunday
85. Nomthandazo
- Pronunciation: Nom-tan-da-zo
- Meaning: Prayer
- Best for: Female
86. Ndiliswa
- Pronunciation: Ndi-li-swa
- Meaning: Respected
- Best for: Female
87. Mncedisi:
- Pronunciation: Mhn-ce-di-si
- Meaning: Helper
- Best for: Female
88. Khunjulwa
- Pronunciation: Khun-jul-wa
- Meaning: One who will be remembered
- Best for: Female
89. Nontasasa
- Pronunciation: Non- ta-sa-sa
- Meaning: One who is born early in the morning
- Best for: Female
90. Natumato
- Pronunciation: Na-tu -ma-to
- Meaning: One who is beautiful at birth
- Best for: Female
Tswana Names and Their Meanings
91. Boipelo
- Pronunciation: Boi- pe-lo
- Meaning: Proud
- Best for: Female
92. Botshelo
- Pronunciation: Bot-she-lo
- Meaning: Life, friendly and approachable
- Best for: Female
93. Gorata
- Pronunciation: Go-ra-tah
- Meaning: Bold
- Best for: Female
94. Dipuo
- Pronunciation: Dee-ou-wo
- Meaning: Talks/ rumors
- Best for: Female
- Also used by Southern Sotho
95. Itumeleng
- Pronunciation: Itu-mee-leng
- Meaning: Joy
- Best for: Female
96. Keeya
- Pronunciation: Kee-yah
- Meaning: Garden flower
- Best for: Female
97. Lorato
- Pronunciation: Lo-rah-to
- Meaning: love
- Best for: Female
98. Naledi
- Pronunciation: Nah-le-di
- Meaning: Star, to shine
- Best for: Female
99. Lesedi
- Pronunciation: Le- se- di
- Meaning: Light
- Best for: Female
100. Tale
- Pronunciation: Ta- leh
- Meaning: Of a Noble
- Best for: Female
Afrikaans Female Names
101. Mieke
- Pronunciation: My-Khu
- Meaning: water
- Best for: Female
102. Adelheid
- Pronunciation: Ah-del-heit
- Meaning: Nobility
- Best for: Female
103. Landi
- Pronunciation: Lan-di
- Meaning: Violet
- Best for: Female
- Pronunciation: Han-si-(e)
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Best for: Female
105. Klara
- Pronunciation: kla-ra
- Meaning: Bright and clear
- Best for: Female
106. Agetha
- Pronunciation: Ah-ghe-thur
- Meaning: Good woman
- Best for: Female
- Pronunciation: Ahk-pe-nuh
- Meaning: Thanks to God
- Best for: Unisex
- Pronunciation: El-nah
- Meaning: Beloved
- Best for: Female
- Pronunciation: Zon-jah
- Meaning: Wisdom
- Best for: Unisex
110. Wilhelmina
- Pronunciation: Wil-hel-mi-na
- Meaning: Helmet, protection
- Best for: Unisex
Read Also: What Are The Official Languages Of South Africa? Number Of Speakers
111. Saartije
- Pronunciation: Saar-ti-jeh
- Meaning: Princess
- Best for: Female
112. Abebi
- Pronunciation: Ah-bee-bi
- Meaning: We asked and got her
- Best for: Female
113. Aletta
- Pronunciation: Ah-lee-ta
- Meaning: Truth
- Best for: Female
115. Alizea
- Pronunciation: Ah-li-zee
- Meaning: Joyful
- Best for: Female
116. Andrietta
- Pronunciation: Ahn-dree-tah
- Meaning: Strong and manly
- Best for: Female
117. Rethabile
- Pronunciation: Ree-thu-bi-le
- Meaning: We are glad
- Best for: Female
- Pronunciation: Lu-see
- Meaning: light
- Best for: Female
119. Skat
- Pronunciation: S-kat
- Meaning: Treasure
- Best for: Female
120. Naemi
- Pronunciation: Nae-mi
- Meaning: Pleasantress
- Best for: Female
Tsonga Names
121. Felani
- Pronunciation: Fe-lah-nee
- Meaning: The one worth dying for
- Best for : Unisex
122. Horisani
- Pronunciation: Ho-ri-sah-ni
- Meaning: Heal, creativity, charm, female, be victorious
123. Khana
- Pronunciation: k-ah-na
- Meaning: Victory dance
- Best for: Female
124. Mbhuri
- Pronunciation: m-bu-ree
- Meaning: Beautiful
- Best for: Female
125. Mikateko
- Pronunciation: mi-kah-teh-koh
- Meaning: Blessing
- Best for: Female
126. Sana
- Pronunciation: Sa-nah
- Meaning: Warm sunray
- Best for: Female
127. Nyiko
- Pronunciation: Nyi-koh
- Meaning: Gift
- Best for: Female
128. Mukungu
- Pronunciation: Mu-ku-ngu
- Meaning: Plan
- Best for: Female
129. Amukelo
- Pronunciation: A-mu-keh-lo
- Meaning: Acceptance
- Best for : Unisex
130. Basambilu
- Pronunciation: Bah-sam-bee-lu
- Meaning: Pure hearted
- Best for: Female
Ndebele Female Names and Meanings
131. Kholwa
- Pronunciation: Col-u-wha
- Meaning: Belief
- Best for: Female
132. Ntombizodwa (Zodwa)
- Pronunciation: Ntom-ni-zod-wa
- Meaning: Only Girls, I always wonder
- Best for: Female
133. Bekezela
- Pronunciation: Be-ke-ze-lah
- Meaning: Be patient
- Best for: Female
134. Senele
- Pronunciation: See-nee-leh
- Meaning: Enough
- Best for: Female
135. Yolanda
- Pronunciation: Yoh-lan-dah
- Meaning: The go-getter
- Best for: Female
136. Nolwazi
- Pronunciation: Nol-waa-zi
- Meaning: To Have knowledge of something,mother of Knowledge
- Also used by Zulu
- Best for: Female
137. Methembe
- Pronunciation: Mee-tem-be
- Meaning: Trust in Him (God)
- Best for: Female
138. Lungile
- Pronunciation: Lu-gi-le
- Meaning: One who is good
- Also used by Zulu
- Best for: Female
139. Tulani
- Pronunciation: Tu-lah-ni
- Meaning: Keep calm/ keep quiet
- Best for: Female
140. Thandeka
- Pronunciation: Th (a)-nde-ka
- Meaning: beloved/lovely
- Also used by Zulu
- Best for: Female
Southern Sotho Names ( Sepedi)
- Pronunciation: Le-raa-too
- Meaning: Love
- Best for: Female
142. Mathapelo
- Pronunciation: Ma-ta-peh -loh
- Meaning: Mother of prayer
- Best for: Female
- Pronunciation: O-ra-tee-le
- Meaning: He /she loves ( loved), God willed it, God’s love
- Best for : Unisex
- Also used by Tsawana
144. Dipuo
- Pronunciation: Dee-ou-wo
- Meaning: Rumor /talks
- Best for: Female
- Also used by Tsawana
146. Ntsoaki
- Pronunciation: uhn-tso-ah-kee
- Meaning: An only female sibling
- Best for: Female
147. Sesi
- Pronunciation: Sey-si
- Meaning: Sister
- Best for: Female
148. Bina
- Pronunciation: Bee-nah
- Meaning: To dance/freshness
- Best for: Female
149. Bertha
- Pronunciation: Ber-taa
- Meaning: Bright
- Best for: Female
150. Bokang
- Pronunciation: Boh-kang
- Meaning: Rejoice /praise
- Best for: Unisex
Unique South African Female Names That Depict Love, Beauty, and Royalty
- Amore is a romantic name meaning love
- Anika means sweet-faced
- Bibi the name is usually used for a daughter of a King. It means grandmother or lady
- Riana is the feminine name of Rain which means little king and is used by girls.
- Amable is a popular Zulu name that means the beautiful one
- Thandeka, which means love or beloved
- Simosishile, it means a beautiful feeling
- Nothembi means the beautiful one
- Simphiweyi, this name is associated with royalty and it means princess
- Nothando, means mother of outbound love
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