South African male names are usually important because they stand as figures representing their families in everything they do. Naming a male child is like naming a future generation that marks a family’s identity. Names in South Africa and most other african societies are based on the background, religion, and the occasion surrounding at the time of birth of the child.
For instance, Bhekizizwe, which means ‘looking after nations’ in Zulu, is a prophetic name that parents give to their child with the hope that he ecomes a leader. Corollary to this, Meluzmi, which means ‘one who will represent your family’ in Xhosa is a name brings hope to a family.
South African Male Names and Meanings in Different languages

Zulu Names, Pronunciation, and Their Meanings
1. Jabulani
- Pronunciation: Jah- boo-lah-ni
- Meaning: Rejoice
- Best For: Male
- Also used by: Swahili
2. Bafana
- Pronunciation: Bah- fah -nah
- Meaning: Boy, young man
- Best For: Males
3. Dingiswayo
- Pronunciation: Din-gid-wah-yoh
- Meaning: A great Zulu King
- Best For:Males
4. Lwazi
- Pronunciation: L(u)-a-zi
- Meaning: Knowledge
- Best For: Male
5. Langa
- Pronunciation: Lang-gah
- Meaning: Sun, sunshine
- Best For: Males
6. Shaka
- Pronunciation: Sha-kah
- Meaning: Zulu tribal ruler
- Best For: Males
7. Andile
- Pronunciation: Ahn-dee-le
- Meaning: Increased, added, plenty, they have multiplied
- Best For: Males/ Females
- Also used by: Xhosa, Zulu
8. Mandhla (Mandla)
- Pronunciation: Man-dhla
- Meaning: Strength
- Best For: Male
9. Banele
- Pronunciation: Bah-ne-leh
- Meaning: Enough, the children are enough,
- Best For : Males
10. Melokuhle
- Pronunciation: Me-lo-ku-shle
- Meaning: Beautiful one
- Best For: Male/ female
- Also used by: Xhosa
11. Bhekithemba
- Pronunciation: Be-ki-tem-bah
- Meaning: Look for hope, behold the hope
- Best For: Males
12. Meshndi
- Pronunciation: Meh- shin -dih
- Meaning: Conqueror, winner, victory
- Best For: Males
13. Zithembe
- Pronunciation: Zee-tem-beh
- Meaning: Trust yourself
- Best For: Male/ female
14. Kagiso
- Pronunciation: Kah- gi- so
- Meaning: Peace
- Best For: Males
15. Bhekizizwe
- Pronunciation: Beh -ki-zi-zi-we
- Meaning: Looking after nations
- Best For: Males
16. Funani
- Pronunciation: Fu- na-ni
- Meaning: Search, want
- Best For: Male
17. Kgabu
- Pronunciation: Kga-bu
- Meaning: To decorate richly
- Best For: Males
18. Linda
- Pronunciation: Lin-dah
- Meaning: Wait, Patience
- Best For: Males
19. Lwandle
- Pronunciation: Lwa-ndle
- Meaning: Ocean
- Best For: Males
20. Phila
- Pronunciation: Fi-la
- Meaning: live, Get well
- Best For: Males
21. Thando
- Pronunciation: Th(a)-ndo
- Meaning: love
- Best For: Males/ females
22. Sanele
- Pronunciation: San-nee-le
- Meaning: We have enough, we are satisfied, and content
- Best For: Males
23. Thulani
- Pronunciation: Tu-lah-ni
- Meaning: Be quiet, be comforted
- Best For: Males
24. Nkanyezi
- Pronunciation: Nhka-nye-zee
- Meaning: Star
- Best For: Males
25. Mpilo
- Pronunciation: Mh-pi-lo
- Meaning: life
- Best For: Males
26. Bangizwe
- Pronunciation: Ban-gi-zweh
- Meaning: Fighting for land
- Best For: Males
27. Philani
- Pronunciation: Fi-la-ni
- Meaning: Precious, majestic, truly unforgettable, to be alive
- Best For: Males
28. Velaphi
- Pronunciation: Ve-lah-fi
- Meaning: Where From
- Best For: Males
29. Vusumuzi
- Pronunciation: Vu-suu-mu-zhi
- Meaning: Raise the household
- Best For: Males
30. Siphiwe
- Pronunciation: Si- fi-weh
- Meaning: We have been given
- Best For: Males
Xhosa Names and their Meanings
31. Akhona
- Pronunciation: Ahk-ho-na
- Meaning: Present
- Best For: Males
32. Bhutana
- Pronunciation: Buh-taa-na
- Meaning: Little brother
- Best For: Males
33. Fezile
- Pronunciation: Feh-zee-leh
- Meaning: One who is accomplished
- Best For: Males
34. Gugulethu
- Pronunciation: Gu-gu-le-thu
- Meaning: The one you are Proud of
- Best For: Males
35. Khwezi
- Pronunciation: Kwe-zhi
- Meaning: A little boy that lightens up your life
- Best For: Males
36. Lonwabo
- Pronunciation: Lon-waa-bo
- Meaning: Happiness, Happiness in your life
- Best For: Males
37. Madoda
- Pronunciation: Ma -do-dah
- Meaning: Men
- Best For: Males
38. Mpumelelo
- Pronunciation: Mhpu-mee-le-lo
- Meaning: Success
- Best For: Male
39. Silumko
- Pronunciation: Si-lum-koo
- Meaning: A wise man
- Best For: Males
40. Ntando
- Pronunciation: Nhn-tan-do
- Meaning: Strong will
- Best For: Males
41. Meluzmi
- Pronunciation: Mee-luz-mi
- Meaning: One who will represent your family
- Best For: Males
42. Lubabalo
- Pronunciation: Lu-bah-ba-lo
- Meaning: Full of Grace
- Best For: Males
43. Jongikhaya
- Pronunciation: Jong-gik-kaya
- Meaning: One who will watch over the home
- Best For: Male/ female
44. Bonginkosi
- Pronunciation: Bon -gin koo-si
- Meaning: Thanking God
- Best For: Males
45. Anathi
- Pronunciation: Ah- na-ti
- Meaning: They are with us
- Best For: Male/ Female
46. Nomlanga
- Pronunciation: Nohm-lan-ga
- Meaning: A little boy’s growth
- Best For: Males
47. Daluxolo
- Pronunciation: Dah-lu-solo
- Meaning: A believer of peace, peacemaker
- Best For: Males
48. Uuka
- Pronunciation: Yuh-ka
- Meaning: Someone who is ready to rise up
- Best For: Male
49. Mahlubandile
- Pronunciation: Mah-lu-ban-dee-leh
- Meaning: The clan has increased, There is a new member of the family
- Best For: Males
50. Malibongwe
- Pronunciation: mah-li-bon gwe
- Meaning: Praise
- Best For: Males
51. Sifso
- Pronunciation: S(u)f-soh
- Meaning: wish
- Best For: Male/ female
52. khayone
- Pronunciation: Ka-yo-neh
- Meaning: God didn’t make a mistake for blessing me with you
- Best For: Male/ female
53. Tshegofatso
- Pronunciation: T-shego-f-at-so
- Meaning: Blessing, one who brings blessings
- Best For: Male/ Female
- Also used by: Tswana
54. Nkosi
- Pronunciation: Ng-koh-see
- Meaning: Ruler, King, god, or lord
- Best For: Male
55. Lephelo
- Pronunciation: Lep-(h)-ee-loh
- Meaning: The end
- Best For: Male
56. Nkululeko
- Pronunciation: Nhn-Ku-lu-lee-ko
- Meaning: Freedom
- Best For: Males
57. Kumkani
- Pronunciation: Kum-kah-ni
- Meaning: King
- Best For: Male
58. Likhakha
- Pronunciation: Lik-hak-kah
- Meaning: Shoulder to cry on
- Best For: Males
59. Loyiso
- Pronunciation: Lo-yi-soh
- Meaning: Victory
- Best For: Males
60. Paki
- Pronunciation: Pah-kee
- Meaning: Witness
- Best For: Males
Ndebele Names
61. Dumusani
- Pronunciation: Du-meer-ser-nih
- Meaning: Praise
- Best For: Male
62. Butho
- Pronunciation: Boo-toh
- Meaning: Soldier
- Best For: Male
63. Kanye
- Pronunciation: Kan-yeh
- Meaning: Togetherness
- Best For: Male
64. Mtulisi
- Pronunciation: M-tu-li-si
- Meaning: One who consoles
- Best For: Males
65. Zibuseni
- Pronunciation: Zi-bu-se-nih
- Meaning: Rule yourself
- Best For: Male
66. Simakahle
- Pronunciation: Si-mah-kah-lee
- Meaning: We stand well, firm
- Best For: Male
67. Dingani
- Pronunciation: Din-gah-nee
- Meaning: What are you looking for ?
- Best For: Males
- Also used by: Zulu
68. Vusimuzi
- Pronunciation: Vuh-see-mo-zee
- Meaning: Home / clan starter
- Best For: Male
69. Bukhosi
- Pronunciation: Buh-ko-si
- Meaning: Royalty/ Princehood
- Best For: Male
70. Sabelo
- Pronunciation: Sah-bee-loh
- Meaning: To give
- Best For: Males
71. Dansile
- Pronunciation: Dah-si-leh
- Meaning: You have made us sad
- Best For: Males
72. Sengamo
- Pronunciation: Sen-gah-mo
- Meaning: Source of strength
- Best For: Males
73. Thabani
- Pronunciation: Ta-ba-nee
- Meaning: Rejoice, be happy, glad
- Best For: Male/female
- Also used by: Zulu
74. Nqabenhle
- Pronunciation: Nqa-ben-leh
- Meaning: A good provider, shelter
- Best For: Males
75. Mlungisi
- Pronunciation: Mhm-lun-gee-si
- Meaning: One who puts things right
- Best For: Males
76. Bhekithembe
- Pronunciation: Beh-kit-tem-be
- Meaning: look for or look after hope
- Best For: Males
77. Mazwi
- Pronunciation: Maz-wee
- Meaning: Wisdom words
- Best For: Males
78. Mfundo
- Pronunciation: M-fun-doh
- Meaning: Education
- Best For: Males
79. Luan
- Pronunciation: Lu-han
- Meaning: Male
- Best For: Male
80. Ade
- Pronunciation: Ah-deh
- Meaning: Royal
- Best For: Male
81. Leeto
- Pronunciation: Liy-tow
- Meaning: Journey
- Best For: Males
82. Lodewikus
- Pronunciation: Loh-deh-wih-kus
- Meaning: War/ battle
- Best For: Male
83. Kamogelo
- Pronunciation: Kah-mo-geh-loh
- Meaning: Acceptance
- Best For: Male
84. Zonja
- Pronunciation: Zon-jah
- Meaning: Wisdom
- Best For: Male/ female
85. Ajanie
- Pronunciation: Ah-jah-nee
- Meaning: He who wins the struggle
- Best For: Males
86. Adiel
- Pronunciation: Ah-di-el
- Meaning: Goat
- Best For: Male
87. Ajayi
- Pronunciation: Ah-jah-yee
- Meaning: Born Facedown
- Best For: Males
88. Amiri
- Pronunciation: Ah- mi-ree
- Meaning: Prince
- Best For: Males
89. Arno
- Pronunciation: Arh-no
- Meaning: Eagle
- Best For: Males
90. Bash
- Pronunciation: Ba- sh
- Meaning: Forerunner
- Best For: Male
91. Bayode
- Pronunciation: Bah-yor-de
- Meaning: He comes with Joy
- Best For: Male
92. Belay
- Pronunciation: Bee- lay
- Meaning: Above, Superior
- Best For: Male
93. Jaivyn
- Pronunciation: Je-vin
- Meaning: light-spirit
- Best For: Males /females
94. Johan
- Pronunciation: Yo-han
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Best For:
95. Kai
- Pronunciation: K-ai
- Meaning: Sea
- Best For: Males
96. Akpena
- Pronunciation: A-(k)pe-nah
- Meaning: Thanks to God
- Best For: Male /female
97. Tyrese
- Pronunciation: Tie- ris
- Meaning: Talented leader of well-being
- Best For:
98. Wasaki
- Pronunciation: Wah-sah-kee
- Meaning: Enemy
- Best For: Males
99. Yaro
- Pronunciation: Yah-ro
- Meaning: son
- Best For: Males
100. Upendo
- Pronunciation: you-pen-do
- Meaning: Love
- Best For: Male/ female
Read Also: 150+ South African Female Names and Meanings
Tshivenda Names
101. Mulalo
- Pronunciation: Mu-lah-loh
- Meaning: peace
- Best For: male
102. Alu
- Pronunciation: Ah-luu
- Meaning: Be prosperous
- Best For: Male
103. Dowe
- Pronunciation: Doh-wey
- Meaning: Get used to it
- Best For: Males
104. Avhapfani
- Pronunciation: Av-ha-fa-nee
- Meaning: They do not get along
- Best For: Males
105. Zwanga
- Pronunciation: Z-wan-gah
- Meaning: Mine or that which belongs to me
- Best For: Males
106. Humbe
- Pronunciation: Hum-bee
- Meaning: Ask
- Best For: Males
107. Dakalo
- Pronunciation: Dah-kaa-loh
- Meaning: Happiness
- Best For: Males
108. Maanda
- Pronunciation: Ma-an-dah
- Meaning: Power or strength
- Best For: Males
109. Rabelani
- Pronunciation: Ra- bee-lah-ni
- Meaning: Prayer, to pray
- Best For: Male/ females
110. Shandukani
- Pronunciation: san-du-ka-nee
- Meaning: To change
- Best For: Males
Tswana Names and Their Meanings
111. Goitsemang
- Pronunciation: Giot-seh-mang
- Meaning: Who knows, gift of God
- Best For: Males
112. Masogo
- Pronunciation: mah-soh-goh
- Meaning: Blessings
- Best For: Males
113. Ditiro
- Pronunciation: Dee-ti-roh
- Meaning: Acts
- Best For: Males
114. Agang
- Pronunciation: Ah -g-ang
- Meaning: Build
- Best For: Males
115. Baboloki
- Pronunciation: Bah-bo-lo-ki
- Meaning: Savior
- Best For: Males
116. Kgalefa
- Pronunciation: K(g)a-le-fa
- Meaning: Brave
- Best For: Males
117. Moagi
- Pronunciation: Mo-ah-gi
- Meaning: A builder
- Best For: Male
118. Mooketsi
- Pronunciation: Mo-ra-pe-di
- Meaning: One who prays
- Best For: Males
119. Obonye
- Pronunciation: Oh-bo-nye
- Meaning: He has seen
- Best For: Males
120. Olebile
- Pronunciation: Oh-le-bi-le
- Meaning: He is watching
- Best For: Males
121. Tau
- Pronunciation: Tah-au
- Meaning: Lion
- Best For: Males
122. Tshenolo
- Pronunciation: Tsh(e)-no-lo
- Meaning: Revelation
- Best For: Males
123. Onkemetse
- Pronunciation: On-ke-me-tse
- Meaning: He is representing me
- Best For: Males
124. Motswane
- Pronunciation: Mo(t)-swa-ne
- Meaning: Good
- Best For: Males
125. Ofetse
- Pronunciation: Oh- fe-tse
- Meaning: He has conquered
- Best For: Males
126. Oatise
- Pronunciation: Oh-ah-ti-s(e)
- Meaning: He knows
- Best For: Males
127. Kgosieman
- Pronunciation: K(g)o-s(i)e-man
- Meaning: Who is the chief?
- Best For: Males
128. Boikanyo
- Pronunciation: Bo(i)-kan-yo
- Meaning: A dependence
- Best For: Male
129. Afeloteng
- Pronunciation: Ah-fuh-e-luh
- Meaning: Change it
- Best For: Males
130. Khumo
- Pronunciation: Khu-mo
- Meaning: Wealth
- Best For: Males
Southern Sotho Names and Their Meaning
131. Tuma
- Pronunciation: Too-mah
- Meaning: Immortal
- Best For: Males
132. Dino
- Pronunciation: Dee-no
- Meaning: Spearman
- Best For: Males
133. Thapelo
- Pronunciation: Ta-peh-loh
- Meaning: Prayer
- Best For: Males
134. Thato
- Pronunciation: Tah-toh
- Meaning: Love of God, God’s will
- Best For: Males
- Also used by: Tswana
135. Kananelo
- Pronunciation: Kah-na-ne-lo
- Meaning: Appreciation
- Best For: Males
136. Rapula
- Pronunciation: Rah-pu-lah
- Meaning: Father of rain
- Best For: Males
137. Tsotang
- Pronunciation: Tso-tang
- Meaning: Amazement or astonish
- Best For: Males
138. Kweda
- Pronunciation: Kwe-dah
- Meaning: Crocodile
- Best For: Males
139. Lerumo
- Pronunciation: Le-ru-moo
- Meaning: Blade, or the edge of a spear
- Best For: Males
Tsonga Names and Meanings
140. Dzunani
- Pronunciation: Zu-nah-nee
- Meaning: Be Proud
- Best For: Male
141. Hanyani
- Pronunciation: Han-ya-nee
- Meaning: live
- Best For: Males
142. Amukelo
- Pronunciation: A-mu-keh-lo
- Meaning: Acceptance
- Best For: Male/ female
143. Drondro
- Pronunciation: Dron -droh
- Meaning: Pool of Knowledge
- Best For: Males
145. Fikani
- Pronunciation: Fee-kah-ni
- Meaning: A higher level
- Best For: Males
146. Kotani
- Pronunciation: Koh-tah-nee
- Meaning: Accomplish
- Best For: Males
147. Kurhula
- Pronunciation: Kur-huu-la
- Meaning: Peace
- Best For: Males
148. Xaniseka
- Pronunciation: Sa-ni-se-ka
- Meaning: Suffer
- Best For: Males
149. Rhangani
- Pronunciation: Ran-gah-nee
- Meaning: Be the pioneer
- Best For: Males
150. Mulweri
- Pronunciation: Mul- weh-ree
- Meaning: Defender
- Best For: Males
Other Tsonga Names
- Pronunciation: Nhe-lo
- Meaning: Selection
- Best For: Males
- Pronunciation: Tin-swa-lo
- Meaning: Mercy
- Best For: Males
- Pronunciation: H-lay-si-se-ka
- Meaning: Be safe
- Best For: Males
- Pronunciation: Yon-dzan-nee
- Meaning: Learn
- Best For: Male
- Pronunciation: H-lan-ga-na-nee
- Meaning: Unite
- Best For: Males
Some Common South African Last Names
- Khumalo: This surname means descendants of the fish tribe in Ndebele
- Bhule: This name is of Xhosa origin. It means handsome.
- Gumede: The name is of Zulu origin. It means to end what you have started
- Tutu: This name comes from one of the minority languages, the Subiya tribe, which means wealth.
- Nkosi: The name comes from the Nguni and Zulu tribe that means King.
- Abara: This surname has an Igbo origin that means spirit.
- Dlamini: This surname means royalty that originated Etswana tribe.
- Ndlovu: This name is a totemic name of the Ndebele tribe that means Elephant.
- Sithole: The name is derived from the Zulu word ” isithole” which means calf.
- Mahlangu: This name is the plural form of Hlangu which means reedbuck.
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