Schweizer Reneke is a South African town situated in the North West province. Also referred to as the City of Sunflowers, it is a unique city with many stories that range from the good to not so good. Many consider it another town where racism lived and thrived.
The town is situated on diamond deposits. It has notable people who made it to the nations politics. Beyond this, it is one of the places that has a lot to offer.
There are many interesting facts to know about the South African township.
10 Interesting Facts About Schweizer Reneke
1. Shweizer Reneke Location
The town was founded in 1888 on the banks of the Harts River. The farming township is a good place to experience the typical bushveld. There are six regional roads that lead out of the town.
It holds some of South Africa’s racist stories. The town was segregated during the apartheid regime and to this day, it retains some of the traces.
The Wentzel Dam, Voortrekker Monument and San Rock Artwork are some of the interesting places to visit.
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2. The Town Is Named After Two People
There are many places in the world that share names with people making them some of our interesting places. Schweizer Reneke is no exception. The town was named after two men, Captain C.A. Schweizer and Field Cornet C.N.
Though they were part of the ten soldiers killed, the two were notable in an expedition to take the town. They marked their names across History. Eversince, their heroic action has taken the form of a town named after them.
3. Schweizer Reneke Was Founded On Bloody Battles
Long before the land became a white dominated territory, the Koras and Tswan/ Thlaping groups fought each other for grazing space and firewood.
Their involvement of Boer mercenaries to support them brought another dimension to their conflict. Each side wanted an advantage over the other. In the end the Boers had an advantage over the fighting sides. The koras paid the white mercenaries with their lands which helped in the founding of the Boer republic of Stellaland.
Later, the Koras were defeated and they founded Schweizer Reneke.
4. Schweizer Reneke Is The Only Town In Mamusa Local Municipality
The town currently serves as the administrative capital of Mamusa local municipal. It is also the only town in the area. The closest town to it is Ipelegeng which has a larger population.
Mamusa as a municipal may have gotten its name from that of the Kora King, David Massouw who supported the Boers. The name of Massouw is likely have gone through changes to its current Mamusa.
King David’s stone fortifications still stand on Mamusa Hill.
5. The Area Has A Rich Diamond Deposit

One of the observation about the area is its unsuitable land for cultivation of crops. The grassland on this uncultivable land is used for large scale cattle herding and sheep farming.
The area sits on large deposits of diamonds. Many private mining firms launched their mining activities.
6. Many People Speak Tswana In Schweizer Reneke
With the many groups that have always been in the area, it is not surprising to have many languages spoken. Some the languages spoken include; Tswana, Afrikaans, Sotho and Xhosa.
Among the languages spoken, Tswana is spoken by a majority of the people making it the widely spoken one. More than 80% speak it as a first language.
7. The Town Is The Home Of The Mamusa United FC
The soccer club Mamusa United FC calls Schweizer Reneke their home. They play at the level of the provincial football league. To support the growing soccer stamina of the youths, the state department formed a big team called Mamusa Service Point.
Presently the team is made up of young stars and is active in the U-17 category.
8. The Laerskool Race Controversy That Happened In Schweizer Reneke

Many of the gains that South Africa has made includes the interactions of its many races. However, what was fought during the apartheid regime almost reared its ugly head in one of the primary schools in Schweizer Reneke.
Viral videos online showed a segregated classroom but made many protest. according to reports a teacher at the Laerskool separated children according to their races to know each other.
Whether innocent or not, it sparked controversy stories for many that remember the long History of apaertheid in South Africa.
9. Some Of The Notable People From Schweizer Reneke

For a town full of many historical details around conquest and new foundations, there are other interesting things unknown about it. While many attribute it to be white runner, there are many notable people that came from there that made impact.
Ahmed Kathrada is one of the prominent sons of this town. He is known for his political stance and anti apartheid activities, he is celebrated. His foundation collaborates with many organisations to give back to the society. He was one of the prisoners held for 18 years at Robben Island for his anti apartheid activities with the ANC. He served in the South African parliament after apartheid.
Essop Pahad is another man from Schweizer Reneke and later made name as a politician and activist. He later became a member of parliament. He went to exile for his political activities.
Joyce Murray is putting her political practise in Canada. She has her roots and beginning in Schweizer Reneke. She emigrated to Canada with her parents in 1961 and settled in Vancouver. Alongside her husband, they planted their billionth tree in 2012.
10. Eugene Terre Blanche Was Awarded The Town’s Freedom
Many supporters of apartheid and colonialiasm looked at the town as an area won by conquest. The Afrikaaner Weerstandsbeweging under the leadership of Eugene Terre Blanche put their stamp on the town.
In 1993, he won the freedom of the town. he fell down from his horse and declared their rights to the town in front of the AWB troops. He proclaimed the end of the third Boer war and the likely place for another South African war.
The racism that scars the face of the town from Boer occupation is still remembered by many.
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