South African names depict the identity of a child or children and also remain important to the cultures, traditions, and everyday life of the people. While many South Africans have adopted the use of English names, there are many others that have continued the use of names in the local languages of the people.
Some South African names are given based on some things surrounding the birth of a child. For instance, a child who was born in the morning can be named Ekusani (morning) in Zulu. Also, in Swahili, a child can be named Mosi (Mosee) if he is the first child.
While there are many South African names, here are the most popular of names to know.
What are the Best and Most Common South African Names?
There are different languages in South Africa and all of these languages have different names. Swahili however is the most widely spoken language in the country and names in the language are also popular. Interestingly, these many of these names are not only used in South Africa but in many other countries. For instance, Swahili is spoken in many countries such as Zimbabwe and Kenya hence Swahili names are also popular in the rejoins.
When given children South African names, families tend to look at religion and other circumstances that may lead to the birth of these children.
South African Names In Different Languages and Their Meanings

Swahili Names, Pronunciation and Their Meanings
1. Amani
- Pronunciation: Ah-ma-ni
- Meaning: Peace
- Best for: male/female
2. Ayanna
- Pronunciation: Ah-ya-nna (ah-yan-nah)
- Meaning: Peace
- Best for: male/female
3. Barack/Barrak
- Pronunciation: b(a)-rak
- Meaning: lightning/blessing
- Best for: male
4. Jabari
- Pronunciation: j(a)-ba-ri
- Meaning: valiant
- Best for: boy
5. Jelani
- Pronunciation: Je-la-ni
- Meaning: Great and powerful
- Best for: male
6. Lulu
- Pronunciation: lu-lu
- Meaning: pearl
- Best for: female
7. Malaika
- Pronunciation: M(a)-lai-kah
- Meaning: angel, heaven’s gate opener, beautiful
- Best for: female
8. Simba
- Pronunciation: si-mba
- Meaning: lion
- Best for: female
9. Nia
- Pronunciation: ni-yah
- Meaning: with purpose
- Best for: female
10. Penda (Penha)
- Pronunciation: pen-dah or Pe-ndah
- Meaning: beloved, love
- Best for: female
11. Bokamoso
- Pronunciation: Bu-ka-mo-soh
- Meaning: Future, destiny
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Tswana
12. Zuri
- Pronunciation: zoo-ree
- Meaning: Beautiful
- Best for: female
13. Uhuru
- Pronunciation: u-hu-ru
- Meaning: freedom
- Best for: male
14. Kenyatta
- Pronunciation: ken-ya-ta
- Meaning: jewel
- Best for: Male
15. Kenyada
- Pronunciation: ken-ya-da
- Meanining: gem
- Best for: female
16. Baraka
- Pronunciation: bar(a)-ka
- Meanining: blessing
- Best for: male
17. Dedan
- Pronunciation: di-dban
- Meanining: loves the city
- Best for: male
18. Abedi
- Pronunciation: ah-beh-dee
- Meaning: Worshipper
- Best for: male
19. Akina
- Pronunciation: ah-kee-nah
- Meaning: solidarity
- Best for: male
20. Aza
- Pronunciation: ah-zah
- Meaning: strong, powerful
- Best for: male/female
21. Adea
- Pronunciation: a-day-a
- Meaning: A kind from God
- Best for: females
22. Zahara
- Pronunciation: zaa-haa-raah
- Meaning: To shine
- Best for: females
23. Msia
- Pronunciation: (h)m-siya
- Meaning: wise man
- Best for: males
24. Kamaria
- Pronunciation: kah-mah-ree-yah
- Meaning: like the moon
- Best for: females
25. Nadira
- Pronunciation: na-dee-rah
- Meaning: rare
- Best for: females
26. Shani
- Pronunciation: shaa-niy
- Meaning: marvellous or wonderful
- Best for: males/females
27. Dai
- Pronunciation: dah-ee
- Meaning: demand
- Best for: males
28. Mulele
- Pronunciation: Mu-lele
- Meaning: man who flies
- Best for: males
28. Andwele
- Pronunciation: ahn-dwel-lay
- Meaning: God brings me
- Best for: males
29. Omari
- Pronunciation: Oh-mar-ee
- Meaning: God the highest
- Best for: males
30. Mosi (Mosee)
- Pronunciation: mo-see
- Meaning: first-child
- Best for: males/females
31. Imani
- Pronunciation: e-mah-nee
- Meaning: faith
- Best for: males/females
32. Zawati
- Pronunciation: za-wah-tee
- Meaning: gift
- Best for: females
33. Aziza
- Pronunciation: ah-zee-zah
- Meaning: powerful, beloved
- Best for: females
34. Mchumba
- Pronunciation: m-chum-bah
- Meaning: sweetheart
- Best for: males/females
35. Mwamini
- Pronunciation: mwah-mih-nih
- Meaning: honest
- Best for: females
Zulu Names and Meanings
36. Shaka
- Pronunciation: Shah-kah
- Meaning: Zulu tribal ruler
- Best for: male
37. Amahle
- Pronunciation: Ah-mah-shle
- Meaning: Beauty/The beautiful one
- Best for: females
37. Langa
- Pronunciation: lang-gah
- Meaning: Sun, sunshine
- Best for: males
38. Andile
- Pronunciation: Ahn-dee-le
- Meaning: Increased, They have increased, plenty, added or countless, they have multiplied, added, abundance
- Best for: males/females
- Also used by: Xhosa, Zulu
39. Ayanda
- Pronunciation: ah-yaan-dah
- Meaning: The family is growing, to increase in abundance, to multiply
- Best for: males/females
- Also used by: Zulu, Xhosa, Shona
40. Banele
- Pronunciation: Bah-ne-leh
- Meaning: enough, the children are enough, they are enough, just
- Best for: Male
- Also Used By: Xhosa and Ndebele languages
41. Jabulani
- Pronunciation: Jah-boo-lah-nee
- Meaning: rejoice
- Best for: male
- Also used by: Swahili
42. Minenhle
- Pronunciation: mi-nen-she
- Meaning: beautiful day, beautiful or pleasant
- Best for: female
43. Mandhla (Mandla)
- Pronunciation: Man-dhla
- Meaning: Strength
- Best for: male
44. Melokuhle
- Pronunciation: me-lo-ku-shle
- Meaning: beautiful one
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Xhosa
45. Lindiwe
- Pronunciation: lin-dee-we
- Meaning: waited for
- Best for: female
46. Thandolwethu
- Pronunciation: tan-dol-weh-tu
- Meaning: our love
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Xhosa
47. Siyabonga
- Pronunciation: see-ya-bo-nga
- Meaning: we are grateful, thank you, give thanks
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Xhosa and Ndibele languages
48. Kaya
- Pronunciation: Kah-yah
- Meaning: restful peace
- Best for: female
49. Gugulethu
- Pronunciation: gu-gu-leh-tuu
- Meaning: pride, treasure, our hope
- Best for: female
- Also used by: Xhosa and Ndebele
50. Sifiso
- Pronunciation: see-fee-so
- Meaning: wish, what we had wished for
- Best for: male/male
51. Bhekithemba
- Pronunciation: be-ki-tem-bah
- Meaning: look for hope, behold the hope
- Best for: male
52. Jabulile
- Pronunciation: jah-bu-li-leh
- Meaning: she is happy
- Best for: female
- Also Used by: Swahili
53. Lwazi
- Pronunciation: l(u)-a-zi
- Meaning: knowledge
- Best for: male
54. Melamina
- Pronunciation: me-la-mi-na
- Meaning: carry my name, advocate for me
- Best for: male/female
55. Nandi
- Pronunciation: Nan-di
- Meaning: sweet
- Best for: female
56. Nobantu
- Pronunciation: no-bah-ntu or no-bahn-tu
- Meaning: mother of people, my dearest friend, for the people
- Best for: female
57. Samkelo
- Pronunciation: sam-gye-lo
- Meaning: The gift of God, to accept God’s power
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Xhosa
58. Enzokuhle
- Pronunciation: en-zoh-kuh-shle
- Meaning: to do good, to do great
- Best for: male/female
59. Bafana
- Pronunciation: bah-fah-nah
- Meaning: boy, young man
- Best for: males
60. Enanela
- Pronunciation: Eh-nah-neh-lah
- Meaning: rejoice
- Best for: females
61. Lindelani
- Pronunciation: lin-deh-lah-nee
- Meaning: wait, be patient
- Best for: females
62. Dingiswayo
- Pronunciation: din-gis-wah-yoh
- Meaning: a great zulu king
- Best for: males
63. Kakaka
- Pronunciation: ah-zee-zah
- Meaning: name of a Zulu Prince
- Best for: males
64. Meshindi
- Pronunciation: meh-shin-dih
- Meaning: Winner, conqueror, victor
- Best for: males
- Pronunciation: zee-tem-beh
- Meaning: trust yourself
- Best for: male/females
Xhosa Names and Their Meanings
66. Sifso
- Pronunciation: s(u)f-soh
- Meaning: wish
- Best for: male/female
67. Anele
- Pronunciation: Ah-ne-le
- Meaning: Enough, he/she is enough, anoint, satisfied
- Best for: males/Females
68. Khayone
- Pronunciation: ka-yo-neh
- Meaning: God didn’t make a mistake for blessing me with you, you are God-given
- Best for: male/female
69. Tshegofatso
- Pronunciation: t-shego-f-at-so
- Meaning: blessing, one who brings blessings
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by, Tswana
70. Lesedi
- Pronunciation: Le-see-di
- Meaning: Light, God’s light, gift from God, shining
- Best for: Female
- Also used by: Tswana
71. Melisizwe
- Pronunciation: me-lis-we
- Meaning: nation’s leader
- Best for: male
72. Zintle
- Pronunciation: zint-leh
- Meaning: the beautiful one
- Best for: female
73. Nkosi
- Pronunciation: ng-koh-see
- Meaning: ruler, king, god, or lord
- Best for: male
74. Bhutana
- Pronunciation: bu-taa-nah
- Meaning: little brother
- Best For: male
75. Thembeka
- Pronunciation: tem-be-kah
- Meaning: trustworthy
- Best for: female
76. Mthobelo
- Pronunciation: m-to-be-loh
- Meaning: obedient one
- Best for: female
77. Lephelo
- Pronuciation: lep-(h)-ee-loh
- Meaning: the end
- Best for: male
78. Wonga
- Pronunciation: wong-gah
- Menaing: status
- Best for: male/female
79. Lulama
- Pronunciation: luu-lah-mah
- Meaning: soft-spoken
- Best for: female
80. Themba
- Pronunciation: tem-bah
- Meaning: hope, trust
- Best for: male/female
81. Kuhle
- Pronunciation: Kuu-leh
- Meaning: wellness
- Best for: female
82. Luthando
- Pronunciation: lu-taan-doh
- Meaning: it is love
- Best for: male/female
83. Zola
- Pronunciation: zo-lah
- Meaning: calm
- Best for: male/female
84. Bandile
- Pronunciation: Bhan-dee-le
- Meaning: The family is growing, and they have increase
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Zulu, Ndebele
85. Faniswa
- Pronunciation: faa-nee-swa
- Meaning: one who looks like me
- Best for: female
86. Gcina
- Pronunciation: cee-na
- Meaning: the last one
- Best for: male/female
87. Jongikhaya
- Pronunciation: jon-gee-kah-yah
- Meaning: look after your home
- Best for: male/female
Southern Sotho Names and Meanings
88. Dino
- Pronunciation: Dee-no
- Meaning: Spearman
89. Lethabo
- Pronunciation: Lee-Taa-bo
- Meaning: Happiness, joy
- Also used by: Tswana and Zulu languages
90. Mpho
- Pronunciation: M-pho
- Meaning: gift
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Tswana, Sesotho
91. Tuma
- Pronunciation: too-mah (tu-mah)
- Meaning: immortal
- Best for: male
92. Thato
- Pronunciation: tah-toh
- Meaning: love of God, God’s will
- Best for: male
- Also used by: Tswana
93. Lerato
- Pronunciation: Le-raa-too
- Meaning: love
- Best Suited for: female
94. Oratile
- Pronunciation: O-ra-tee-le
- Meaning: he/she loves(loved), God willed it, God’s love
- Best for: male/female
- Also used by: Tswana
95. Dipuo
- Pronunciation: dee-ou-wo
- Meaning: rumours/talks
- Best for: female
- Also used by: Tswana
96. Bokang
- Pronunciation: boh-kang
- Meaning: rejoice or praise
- Best for: male/female
97. Mathapelo
- Pronunciation: ma-ta-peh-loh
- Meaning: mother of prayer
- Best for: female
98. Thapelo
- Pronunciation: ta-peh-loh
- Meaning: prayer
- Best for: male
99. Matseliso
- Pronunciation: mah-tshe-lee-soh
- Meaning: consolation
- Best for: male/female
100. Ntsoaki
- Pronunciation: uhn-tso-ah-kee
- Meaning: an only female sibling
- Best for: female
Tsonga Names and Meanings
101. Amukelo
- Pronunciation: a-mu-keh-lo
- Meaning: Acceptance
- Best for: male/female
102. Dzunani
- Pronunciation: zu-nah-nee
- Meaning: be proud
- Best for: male
103. Felani
- Pronunciation: fe-lah-nee
- Meaning: the one worth dying or
- Best for: male/female
104. Hanyani
- Pronunciation: han-ya-nee
- Meaning: live long
- Best for: male
105. Horisani
- Pronunciation: ho-ri-sah-ni
- Meaning: heal
- Best for: female
106. Khana
- Pronunciation: k-ah-na
- Meaning: victory dance
- Best for: female
107. Mukungu
- Pronunciation: mu-ku-ngu
- Meaning: plan
- Best for: male/female
See Also: Types Of Marriages In South Africa: All The Recognized Unions
108. Mbhuri
- Pronunciation: m-bu-ree (m-bu-rih)
- Meaning: beautiful
- Best for: female
109. Mikateko
- Pronunciation: mi-kah-teh-koh
- Meaning: blessing
- Best for: female
110. Nyiko
- Pronunciation: nyi-koh
- Meaning: gift
- Best for: male/female
111. Sana
- Pronunciation: sa-nah
- Meaning: warm sunray
- Best for: female
Ndebele Names and Meanings
112. Dumusani
- Pronunciation: du-mee-ser-nih (Doo-mee-sa-nih)
- Meaning: Praise
- Best for: male
- Also used by: Zulu
113. kholwa
- Pronunciation: Col-u-wha
- Meaning: belief
- Best for: female
- Also used by: Ndebele
114. Ntombizodwa (Zodwa)
- Pronunciation: ntom-ni-zod-wa
- Meaning: only girls
- Best for: female
- Also used by: Zulu, Xhosa
115. Noxolo
- Pronunciation: nox-o-lo
- Meaning: peace
- Best for: female
- Also used by: Xhosa
116. Sibongile
- Pronunciation: si-bon-gle (See-bon-g(i)-le)
- Meaning: we are thankful
- Best for: female
- Also used by: Zulu
117. Sibusisiwe
- Pronunciation: si-bu-see-see-weh
- Meaning: we are blessed
- Best for: female
118. Bekezela
- Pronunciation: be-ke-ze-lah
- Meaning: be patient
- Best for: female
119. Butho
- Pronunciation: boo-toh
- Meaning: soldier
- Best for: male
120. Kanye
- Pronunciation: kan-yeh
- Meaning: togetherness
- Best for: male
- Also used by: togetherness
121. Esulu
- Pronunciation: e-su-lu (E-soo-loo)
- Meaning: clouds
- Best for: male/female
122. Mtulisi
- Pronunciation: m-tu-li-si
- Meaning: One who consoles
- Best for: male
123. Zibuseni
- Pronunciation: zi-bu-se-nih
- Meaning: rule yourself
- Best for: male/female
124. Zwelethu
- Pronunciation: zwe-le-tu
- Meaning: Our nation
- Best for: male/female
125. Luan
- Pronunciation: lu-han
- Meaning: Male
- Best for: male
126. Mieke
- Pronunciation: my-khu
- Meaning: Water
- Best for: female
127. Adelheid
- Pronunciation: ah-del-hiet
- Meaning: nobility
- Best for: female
128. Ade
- Pronunciation ah-deh
- Meaning: royal
- Best for: male
129. Gidea
- Pronunciation: gih-di-yah
- Meaning: was neglected for long
- Best for:
130. Landi
- Pronunciation: lan-di
- meaning: violet
- Best for: female
131. Hansie
- Pronunciation: han-si-(e)
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Best for: male/female
132. Leeto
- Pronunciation: liy-tow
- Meaning: journey
- Best for: male
133. Akpena
- Pronunciation: A-(k)pe-nah
- Meaning: thanks to God
- Best for: male/female
134. Lodewikus
- Pronunciation: loh-deh-wih-kus
- Meaning: war or battle
- Best for: male
135. Zonja
- Pronunciation: Zon-jah
- Meaning: wisdom
- Best for: male/female
136. Kamogelo
- Pronunciation: kah-mo-geh-loh
- Meaning: acceptance
- Best for: male
Tshivenda Names
137. Khangwelo
- Pronunciation: kaan-gue-loh
- Meaning: forgiveness
- Best for: male/female
138. Konani
- Pronunciation: koh-nah-ni
- Meaning: to be good/unite
- Best for: male/female
139. Aluwani
- Pronunciation: ah-ru-waa-nih
- Meaning: be prosperous, grow up
- Best for: male/female
140. Dakola
- Pronunciation: dah-ko-lah
- Meaning: hapiness
- Best for: male/female
141: Maanda
- Pronunciation: maan-dah
- Meaning: power, strength
- Best for: male/female
142. Mulalo
- Pronunciation: mu-lah-loh
- Meaning: peace
- Best for: male
143. Rabelani
- Pronunciation: rah-beh-lah-nih
- Meaning: to pray
- Best for: male/female
144. Takalani
- Pronunciation: tah-kah-lah-nih
- Meaning: be happy
- Best for: male/female
145. Humbelani
- Pronunciation: um-beh-lah-ni
- Meaning: to ask
- Best for: male/female
146. Hangawani
- Pronunciation: ahn-gua-nee
- Meaning: to forget
- Best for: male/female
147. Itumeleng
- Pronunciation: ee-too-meh-leng
- Meaning: to be happy
- Best for: male/female
Tswana Names and Meanings
148. Goitsemang
- Pronunciation: giot-seh-mang
- Meaning: who knows, gift of God
- Best for: male
149. Boitimelo
- Pronunciation: boo-eee-tu-meh-loh
- Meaning: joy
- Best for: female
150. Masogo
- Pronunciation: ma-soh-goh
- Meaning: Blessings
- Best for: male
Other Tswana Names
- Pronunciation: E-mee-nah-ti
- Meaning: God stands with us, God is beside us
- Best for: males/females
- Also used by: Xhosa
- Pronunciation: ah-fe-lo-teng
- Meaning: change it
- Best for: males
- Pronunciation: ah-gang
- Meaning: build
- Best for: male/female
- Pronunciation: boy-kan-yo
- Meaning: a dependence
- Best for: males
- Pronunciation: dee-nih-o
- Meaning: gifts
- Best for: males/female
- Pronunciation: dih-tee-roh
- Meaning: acts
- Best for: males
Best and Common South African Last Names
- Abara: The name has an Igbo origin and it means spirit
- Diallo: this name originates from the Fula tribe and it means bold. A number of famous Africans answer the name. Some of them include Diallo Telli and Dillo Guidileye.
- Kimathi: Also a name used in many African countries such as Ghana, South Africa, Kenya and Uganda. It has its origin in Kikuyu and it means earnest provider.
- Buhle: the name is used mostly by the Xhosa clan to mean handsome
- Chaka: This name is mostly known across many nations as it came to prominence as a result of the fame of Yvonne Chaka Chaka, a singer and entertainer. The name originates from Bemba and it means origin
- Dlamini: Another among South African names of Etswana origin that means royalty. This name is commonly used as a surname and many South African popular people answer the name. Also, it became known for being used in the Athol Fugard book, Sizwe Bansi is Dead
- Buthelezi: This name means chief and it originates from the Zulu language
- Gumede: Many popular South Africans also use this last name such as Gugu Gumede. It originates from Zulu and it means to end what you have started.
- Mbatha: a name that means protector and has been brought to prominence as a result of famous people in South Africa that include Nomzamo Mbatha, access, and businesswoman.
- Mandela: One of the South African names, Mandela is of Xhosa origin and it means gift of God and is the surname of one of the most popular African and the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.
- Maponya: Another name that surfaces every now and then from South Africa in Maponya. This is partly because of Richard Maponya who is a businessman and one of the richest and most influential men in South Africa. The name means king of elephants.
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