The Egyptian sickle-sword Khopesh which originated from ancient Egypt was evolved from two distinct battle axes. There are speculations that the sword might have derived from the ‘leg of beef’ because of its shape. The Khopesh is dated back at least 2500 BC this is because it was first depicted from the Steele of vultures which also depicted king Eannatum of Lagash wielding the weapon.
The sword was mostly used in the New Kingdom of Egypt, the kingdom of Israel and Judah, Canaanite city-states during the battles of Kadesh and Qarqar. It was in service mostly from c. 3rd millennium BC-1300 BC.
Here are 12 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know about the Ancient Egyptian Sword
1. Khopesh is one of the best swords that made history
The Khopesh has been described several times as one of the best swords in the history of ancient Egypt. The sword has been list as one of the most influential swords of the Bronze Age.
2. The sword was never used since Ancient Egypt
Since ancient Egypt, Khopesh has never been used again. No, any other army or medieval world later used the sword again. In response to why it has not been used, some historians have said it was a solution to the limitations of bronze as a sword material. They added that the ancKient and medieval armies used the Khopesh but it was because it was made of steel at that time but the shape was changed. The sword was eventually abandoned in favor of more traditional swords in the 12th century BC but it was known to be the most iconic sword/ weapon of Ancient Egypt.
3. Khopesh was traced back to Mesopotamia
Khopesh was traced back to the 3rd Millennium BC Sans guard. The sword was closely associated with Egypt and it was a signature weapon of Egyptian troops during the middle and new kingdom periods. The sword had its earliest forms by the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC in Mesopotamia.

4. It was used as a weapon of the Ptolemaic infantry
Khopesh was the icon weapon of the Ptolemaic infantry and it was also was used by both Canaanites and Israelites during the time of Joshua and the Israel conquest. Also, the Khopesh was likely used by every Egyptian soldier in the new kingdom period after the Egyptians had overthrown their Hyksos oppressors. It was even said that the battles in the bible in which the Khopesh was likely used were recorded in the first and second battles of AI and were recorded in Joshua 7-8.
5. It has appeared in the assassin’s creed
The khopesh sword was used in the movie Assassin creed: origins.
6. The Khopesh sword was designed for hooking an opponent’s shield
The sword was designed for hooking an opponent’s shield out of the way because of the curve. The blade is only sharpened on the outside portion of the curved end. It was made from the looks of the epsilon or crescent-shaped axes which were used in the war front.
7. The sword does not make push cuts
Because of the nature of the sword, it does not make push cuts. It was primarily meant for thrusting, slashing, and chopping. This was prominent before body armor was designed to withstand slashing. The sword has multiple uses which made it feared and versatile.
8. Khopesh sword was seen as ceremonial swords and the weapons of royalty
The sword was popular as ceremonial swords and weapons of royalty. Many pharaohs were depicted to be using them and some were even found in the royal graves. An instance is the boy Pharaoh Tutankhamun who was entombed with two sickle swords of different sizes.
9. The swords’ specification and measurements
The sword which is has an overall length of 33.625 inches, blade length of 25.75 inches, and weighs 4 lb. 4 oz.
10. The Khopesh sword was cast and forged for the TMS 2016 Bladesmithing Symposium
The Egyptian sword was the first sword style that was popular during the Bronze Age in the near east. It was manufactured in modern days using the Bronze Age techniques. it was made to be cast for the TMS 2016 Bladesmithing Symposium.
11. The materials used in making the sword
The sword was made with a hand-crafted carbon steel blade and it had a wooden hilt with brass accents.
12. The sword’s key features
It was based on the Ancient Egyptian battle sword and the blade possesses an unsharpened edge. It also has a thick spine which gives the blade strength. The sword is a fancy collectible that could be a display piece or a carrying weapon.
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