There are quite a number of African delicacies that once tasted, the urge to get more or learn how to make it arises. One particular one is egusi soup which is made with ground seeds. It is predominantly eaten in West Africa and aside from its sweet taste, it has other nutritional benefits also.
Egusi seeds are majorly grown in countries like Mail, Burkina Faso, Togo, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Nigeria, and Cameroon. The seeds found in these countries may have local variation but might still have the same taste and nutrients. Nowadays, there is a machine that has been invented to shell egusi.
How to Cook Egusi Soup For Home and Party
Egusi soup can be prepared in various ways depending on how it is wanted. it can be prepared for family consumption and also for occasions. There are two basic methods of cooking egusi soup; frying and boiling methods.
1. The Frying Method
In other to cook an egusi soup well for both the frying and boiling method, the following ingredients are needed.
i. A cup or two cups of egusi( depending on the quantity and number of people)
ii. Well prepared and parboiled dried fish
iii. Fresh pepper
iv. Ugwu leaves and freshly washed bitterleaves
v. Palm oil
vi. crayfish and beef
vii. diced onions and seasoning cubes
Steps in Preparing the Frying Method
- Pour the pepper in the pot and add some of meatstock to it and also the dried fish stock then let it cook until almost dried.
- The crayfish, bitterleaves and meat are mixed in the same pot but gently.
- The grinded egusi is then pour in a small bowl with a pinch of salt added to it.
- The egusi in the bowl should be well mixed until it begins to produce oil.
- Now, another pot should be placed on low heat with a desired quantity of palm oil in it.
- When the palm oil is a bit hot, the egusi will be molded and put inside. This should be done on a low heat or the whole thing will go bad.
- Fry the egusi for about 8-10 minutes while stirring.
- The pepper mix should be scooped into the fried egusi and leave it for like 30 seconds before stirring it
- Stir gently before the soup starts to fry with oil from fried egusi.
- Cook for about 5-6 minutes before adding a little water to break up the dryness and also lighten the reddish color of the melon.
- Add seasoning the the vegetables then allow it to cook for like 2 minutes.
- Taste to access the season content before it is served.
2. Boiling Method
Steps for Preparing the Boiling Method
- Boil the meat and the fresh fish with the stock fish then add palm oil into it and allow it to boil.
- Add the blended fresh pepper, tomato, onion into the boiling stolck and allow it to cook for like 5 minutes.
- Add the egusi powder then allow it to boil for like 10 minutes.
- Add crayfish and the locust beans(but this is optional)
- Add the sliced vegetables and allow it to cook on low to medium heat for 10 minutes
- Taste the seasoning before serving.
Egusi soup can be enjoyed with eba, fufu, semo, amala, tuwo, starch, apku and even rice depending on what you want.
Egusi soup is very popular among among the Igbo People, the Ibibio People, Efik People, Calabar People, Hausa People, and quite a number of people if not all in Nigeria. Egusi soup can be prepared based on the tribe or location it is done.

Benefits of Egusi Soup
Egusi seeds are said to contain phytosterols which help lower bad LDL(Low-density lipoprotein). The seeds which is sometimes referred to melon seeds are rich in essential nutrients like protein, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and also amino acids.
According to research, the protein gotten from egusi soup is quite high considering the addition of meat and stock fish. By using meats and fish, the potent content in the soup increases.
Where is the Egusi Seeds gotten from?

Egusi seeds are extracted from melon and dried under the sun or air. When it is well dried, the yellowish-white shell is peeled and the white flesh is ground into powder or paste to make the soup. The paste can be gotten by using a good dry mill blender or a grinding stone.
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