Happy black women are black women who aren’t afraid of smiling wherever they are and through whatever situation they find themselves in. Being a black woman is a ‘flex’ that a lot of black ladies should be proud of. That black color of the skin is as beautiful as the word in itself. Black women rocking their natural, heaven-given skin and hair are considered very proud and confident and who wouldn’t want such titles?
However, it is quite obvious that a lot of young, black, beautiful women are not happy with the color of their skin and even go an extra length to change it. Or maybe, you’re just unhappy with your race and wished to be born a different race?
If you are one of those, this article is for you. Instead of looking at other skin colors and admiring them, why don’t we give you 30 beautiful reasons to love and make you a ‘Happy Black Woman’
30 Things That Can Make You A Happy Black Woman
Here are a few tips that can boost your mood and make you a happy black woman and inevitably, a happier version of yourself.
1. Sleep And Eat Well

With good sleep and a very good, healthy diet, happiness is sure. Ensure you have a good sleep and meal routine and try to stick to them. Sleep early and if you can’t seem to do so or can’t sleep at all, seek medical help.
Eat well too to prevent certain illnesses that can diminish your moods. While eating, try and be happy because there is a thing as ‘Eating with a mood in mind.’ By the way, foods are meant to be sweet and help us not make us sad.
2.Happy Black Woman, Work Hard And Have Your Own Money
Being financially stable is a huge blessing for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman, if you are white or black, just have money and you will see the world smiling at you from every corner.
With your own money, you will feel like everything is achievable, and maybe, it is. However, the biggest advantage to this is that you don’t have to beg or borrow for anything. Sis, work hard enough and make that money.
3. Happy Black Woman, Put Yourself First And Learn To Say ‘No’
A lot of Black women are taught how to put others first especially their husbands and children. It is important to love those around you, learn when your kindness and love are being taken for granted, and stop the disrespect. Put yourself first and when you do that, you will learn where to place other things and people and treat them accordingly. Do not lower your crown for anyone, Queen!
4. Keep A Close Circle
It is often said that it is better to be in no company than a bad company. If your company of friends and colleagues are nothing (good) to write home about, by all means, cut them off.
Stay away from drama and gossips as much as you can so you don’t get your joy robbed at any slight chance of talks about you from the same sources because you know; ‘what goes around, comes around’.
They should talk about you being snobbish than have them hold you to a certain thing you said during a discussion you encouraged.
5. Give And Receive Lots Of Hugs
Genuine hugs are so therapeutic! Giving and receiving hugs (there is quite a difference, you know) are huge life-saver. You never can tell when someone needs a reassuring hug or maybe just even the warmth of another person on their chest.
Many a time, people have been vulnerable enough to let emotions flow all because of a great hug and a couple of back rubs or strokes.
6. Quiet Down
You don’t always have to be the loudest in the room. Heck, you don’t even need your voice to be heard always. Sometimes, pipe down and listen. Pay attention to your family, friends, and colleagues. You never can tell what important piece of information you will gather about the person and situation. Learn to speak less and listen more for your own sanity.
Spend some time alone too. It’s is always advisable to have a me-time or alone-time and in so doing, you are well on your way to being a happy black woman.
7. Be Grateful And Content
Count your every blessing and name it! Be content and grateful for that ‘little’ accomplishment. Celebrate every small win while striving for more. It only hurts other people to see you win, why not give them something to sulk about? Don’t be afraid to loud your successes regardless of how trivial you may think they are.
8. Smile Wider And Laugh Harder
Smile more and laugh genuinely. You do not know whose day you may brighten with your smiles and laughs. Smiling not only makes you more beautiful and happy, but it also has a way of lifting the spirit of at least one other person who saw you smile or laugh.
A happy black woman knows that her smile is an anti-depressant and knows to flash her beautiful smile always, even at strangers.
9. Try To Stay Away From Bad News
To be a happy black woman, when you wake up at the break of dawn, try to engage your brain and mind in happy activities and not dive straight into the news. There are a lot of sad stories on the news and frankly, these stories can wait for an hour or so. First, get to a happy place before being open to read or watch the news.
10.Dear Black Woman, Spoil Yourself

See why point two is very important? How else will you spoil yourself if you don’t have money? How else will you be happy if you don’t spoil yourself once in a while?
To be a happy black woman, you need to take yourself out and have treats you usually won’t have. Go to that overpriced restaurant for lunch or dinner, go on shopping sprees, splurge on some fancy clothing or accessories, buy a (new) car, and whatnot. Just spoil yourself some time, you deserve it. Wear nice clothes, take beautiful pictures and be happy.
11. Learn Something New- Always
Go back to school if you must. Just seek new knowledge. Nobody knows it all but the more you know, the easier life gets. It doesn’t even have to be conventional knowledge. It could be how to change the bulb or turn on the sprinklers or how to catch a mouse. Do you know how to fix a broken doorknob? It may not necessarily need a change yet. I know you may not have a baby yet but do you know how to change a diaper? See? Learn something new today.
12. Learn To Express Feelings And Emotions
I have heard a lot of times that black women are strong and can handle situations alone with no help from anyone and as much as this may want to sound like a compliment, it isn’t totally true. You need to let go of the thick skin and show how you truly feel.
As much as we’re rooting for happiness, we should also accept that there are times we won’t always be giddy and at such times, we should acknowledge our feelings and work on them.
You’re sad, say it. Feel like screaming, scream. Want to cry, let the tears roll. You like that boy, tell him! Don’t bottle up emotions, it is a recipe for disaster as you are not completely letting it go, you are just putting it off for when you’ll finally explode.
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13. Meditate And/Or Pray
For a lot of religious people, prayer helps them ‘delete’ sadness and stress and brings back joy (in the morning). Speaking to their Creator does wonders to their mental health. However, if you are not so religious, simple yoga and deep meditations could help you get out of those moods as well.
Breathe slowly and make them deep, these release the tension in us which may likely cause a bad mood.
14. Exercise More
It is said that exercise can boost happy vibes, this is true. Exercises help reduce anxiety and depression. When you exercise, brain chemicals associated with the happy feeling are released into the body and boosts you back to ‘happyville’.
15. Try Not To Be Controlling
When you are a control freak you place your satisfaction and inevitably, your happiness on people doing everything you say, at the exact time you said it and in an exact manner. It’s tiring and stressful, no? So take it easy on trying to be bossy and controlling because you can’t have everything go your way and if you try, you’ll only be putting yourself at the mercy of sadness and depression.
16. Be Open To Change
“The only constant thing is change” may be cliché but it is the truest thing ever said. It’s okay to be conservative but keep an open mind that not everyone is, the world is changing and without your permission, a lot around and about you would change as well. When this happens, accept it. Don’t beat yourself up for it. It is life. However, try to keep an open mind to things and accept what you can’t change, queen.
17. To Be A Happy Black Woman, Learn To Outsource Jobs
You can do everything yourself, honey. I know your grandmother and even mother taught you that to be a strong black woman, you have to handle most of, if not all the chores. Well, may have worked in their time but right now that is just draining. And, I don’t mean of just your strength. It drains your joy and happiness and fun time or even the need to have one. Therefore, if you need someone to do your laundry while you cook, outsource it. You need a hand with grocery shopping while you clean, get someone to do it. Instead of spending your whole day doing chores and then feeling inadequate and weak afterward, get someone else to do the job so you can have time to do other things that would make you happy.
18. Go On Spiritual Retreats
Spiritual retreats are times set apart to be in quiet time and solitude with God. Times when you take yourself away from the world’s too many distractions and noise and go into deep soul searching or spiritual conversations.
Again, you don’t have to be religious for this, take time away from your immediate environment, find yourself a quiet place with beautiful landscape and scenery, converse with your inner demons or angels. Leave there a new and reborn person; happier and satisfied.
19. Take Breaks From Social Media And Be More Social In Real Life
Learn to go for fun activities more. These could boost your morale and confidence. Engage people, play games, talk to new people and make new acquaintances. Discover new beauties in other people you never knew was there. Don’t always stay glued to your phone especially when out with people. Talk to people.
20. Leave Work At The Office

No matter how important that work is, learn not to take it home. Leave the job in the office, go home, take a warm bath, wear comfortable clothes, fix yourself a meal, relax and enjoy the peace and comfort of being in your house and away from work.
Your office doesn’t think about you when you’re away so why should you? Remember, if you break down and leave the world, it would take your office no time to get a replacement for you so, learn to differentiate between office time and home time.
21. Learn To Let Go Of Things That Hurt You
Do not always seek revenge. Don’t even wait for karma’s action, just let it go. Take as much time as you want but promise yourself to heal and move past it.
So what they cut you out, their loss, baby girl.
So what he broke your heart, good riddance Mamie!
Do they know you are a strong black woman and you’ll be happy without them in your life?
If someone isn’t treating you right, cut him or her off and get the happiness from within you or let some genuine show you how it’s done, the proper way.
22. Happy Black Woman, Relive Your Good Ol’ Days
It could be your teenage years or years you were in love and would travel the world with the person you loved. It could be a place you visited that left a remarkable feeling in your heart. It could be a song you used to really love and vibe to while growing up. Maybe it is the house you grew up in with all its beautiful memories. Do not be afraid to revisit these places and things. Go and get the same feelings you got those years ago. Satisfy your nostalgic cravings and be as happy as you can be.
23. Be Kind
As much as we preach putting you first it is important to note that it is not a ticket to narcissistic behaviors. No! Nobody is below you. You are not more beautiful than the other lady. Oh, darling, you’re wealthier, but surely he/she has something you don’t and that, my friend is a blessing you’d never have.
Different people have what makes them unique. Everybody has a unique feature distinct from another person’s. Nobody has everything; therefore, you are not better than anybody. Know this and know peace, sis.
This being preached, be kind to everyone, give honest compliments to people now and again and be courteous too. Brightening up someone’s mood has a reverse effect and can turn right around to lighten your day up as well.
24. Listen To Music And/Or Read Books
Want to know something else that’s really therapeutic? Music is! Music has a way of turning moods, shifting thoughts, and realigning feelings. Music has its way of turning a sad day into a really good day with lots of beautiful reasons to be happy. Once you know what type of music does ‘it’ for you, you are already ahead in being a very happy black woman.
Then again, you don’t like music, have you tied books? Be it romance, comedy, thriller, or motivational books. Books, generally just have a way of taking you to another realm and by the time you return, you’ll find yourself livelier than you were a few hours ago.
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25. Happy Black Woman Should Go On Vacations
Take a trip to the Maldives. I’m Just kidding or, maybe not. If you can do that, ‘why not do it?’ If it will make you happy, why not choose happiness? You can’t afford to go to the Maldives? Surely there must be somewhere you’ve longed to go to or revisit and what better time to go than now when you’re feeling down and under?
You don’t even have to feel bad to go. You want to celebrate and feel alive and let the breeze blow your hair while on a yacht, go for that vacation. Let yourself be happy. Let you feel joy and thank yourself later.
26. Keep Your Family Close

In as much as we’re cutting down on drama and unnecessary relationships, we should have one or two people to vent to and most importantly, share happy times with. These people could be your sibling or just your ‘tribe’ outside your family. In any case, make sure they are the right vibe you need around and have as much fun with them as you can.
27. Dear Happy Black Woman, Be Focused And Follow A Plan
Do not go into overdrive trying to achieve everything at a go. Have a plan and follow it judiciously. It could be a long-term plan, short-term, annual, quarterly, or monthly plan. Just map out where you want to be and follow the map. It shouldn’t be too much so you don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Take it as you take life; one step at a time and remember to celebrate every win.
28. A Happy Black Woman Has To Be Confident
Confidence is a happiness booster. Yes, I said it. Haven’t you ever walked into a room with your head held high and gotten the look of admiration from all in there before? If you haven’t you should try it. When you are confident, you do not care how people see you or perceive you or what they think about you. You just go about your business and so far, minding one’s business has been the easiest way to live long.
You know you are beautiful and smart and need no other person’s validation so please, by all means, be confident in your own skin!
29. Do Not Be Afraid To Love And Be Loved
Dear Black Woman, love is a beautiful thing. To love and to be loved is one of the most beautiful things life has given us. We have a huge heart. So gigantic, it has so much love to give and still enough space to receive love, don’t let it go to waste.
Even if you’ve been hurt before, let go of the pain and move on. Allow someone who knows how to teach you how it’s done. Allow yourself to relearn how to be loved and while at it, reciprocate the beautiful feeling. Watch how beautiful you get and how wide your smile would broaden.
30. To Be A Happ Black Woman, Choose To Be Happy
We could give you a million ways to be happy but if you do not make the conscious decision and effort to be happy, our tips would be futile.
Dear black woman, I beseech you this day to choose to be happy for yourself. Choose to let go of sadness and depression. Choose the happy path. Choose fun and laughter and joy. Put it down in your calendar every day. Say; “No matter what lemon life throws at me today, I will choose to be happy”.
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