African proverbs on Money provide insight into the function of wealth in society as well as the advantages and disadvantages of chasing wealth. African nations’ beliefs and traditions are frequently reflected in these sayings, which place a strong emphasis on the principles of humility, charity, and generosity in the process of getting money.
Africans have their own unique perspectives on wealth, material possessions, and financial success. In many African cultures, the concept of money is deeply intertwined with ideas about status, power, and social hierarchy. Nevertheless, African societies have become more integrated into the global economy, and the role of money has become even more central. Today, African men are often judged not only by their traditional forms of wealth but also by their ability to participate in the modern economy, whether through entrepreneurship, skilled labor, or education.
African Sayings on Money
1. Make some money but don’t let money make you.
2. He who loves money must labor.
3. Poverty is slavery.
4. Money can even corrupt the virtuous.
5. If it hurts to spend your money, you will go hungry.
6. It is no disgrace at all to work for money.
7. He who has people is richer than he who has money.
![African Proverbs on Money](
8. If money where to be found up in the trees, most people would be married to monkeys.
9. If you want to improve your memory, lend someone money.
10. What is sweet in a fool’s mouth will surely finish his money.
11. When a blind man is happy he gives to his child to buy kerosene for his lamp.
12. Money is sharper than a sword.
13. When a poor man gets a little money, his thoughts go off in ten different directions.
14. It is better to inherit the gratitude of your father than his building.
15. Use what you have earned in earlier days
16. A patient man is a wealthy man
17. The firewood in a community gets the community’s food done.
18. Money has no tongue and yet it speaks for the rich.
19. Wealth is invited but poverty invites itself
20. He who sells sand as brown sugar will receive stones as payment.
21. Much wealth brings many enemies.
22. Money is like a guest: it comes today leaves tomorrow.
23.If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise. Every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.
24. The poorest man in the world is not the one without money but the one without people.
25. Money can’t talk, yet it can make lies look true.
26. Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.
27. By labor comes wealth.
28. You become wise when you begin to run out of money
29. With wealth one wins a woman.
30. One cannot count on riches.
31. Money is not the medicine against death.
32. A fool and his money is one big party.
33. Your brother’s pocket cannot keep your wealth.
34. He who knows that he has enough is rich.
35. Even if you are rich, you cannot bury yourself.
36. If you get rich, be in a dark corner when you jump for joy.
37. Brothers love each other when they are equally rich.
38. Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.
![African Proverbs on Money](
39. If ten cents does not go out, it does not bring in one thousand dollars.
40. Greed loses what it has gained.
41. Lack of money is lack of friends; if you have money at your disposal, every dog and goat will claim to be related to you.
42. Money resides right in the lion’s mouth.
43. Good pedigrees cannot be bought with money.
44. Money is capable of elevating and damaging one’s character.
45. Lack of money is the arch-frightener.
46. The wealth which enslaves the owner isn’t wealth.
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47. Money is sweet balm
48. If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as it is.
49. News that’s for money today will be for free tomorrow.
50. Money, like manure, does no good till is spread.