Lifestyle Archives - WeAfrique Famous people of African descent, celebrities, news, and everything hot Fri, 01 Mar 2024 04:28:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Archives - WeAfrique 32 32 166911320 45 Most Popular Languages in Africa Fri, 01 Mar 2024 04:28:54 +0000 Regarding language diversification, Africa is known for being the second continent in the world with the most languages, coming only after Asia. These languages are found in the 54 countries of the continent. While some of the languages in Africa fall under the same language family and are mutually intelligible, others are of different language […]

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Regarding language diversification, Africa is known for being the second continent in the world with the most languages, coming only after Asia. These languages are found in the 54 countries of the continent. While some of the languages in Africa fall under the same language family and are mutually intelligible, others are of different language classifications.

Generally, the languages of Africa break down into 3 large families (phyla) known as Niger-Congo, Nilo-Saharan, and Afroasiatic.

How Many Languages Are in Africa?

There are over 3000 languages in Africa, making it one-third of the world’s languages.

These languages fall under different language classifications, with Niger-Congo being the largest.

Among the many languages in Africa, Nigeria is the country with the most languages on the continent. Nigeria, a West African country has over 500 languages with its three major native languages – Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba being among the most popular languages in Africa.

In Africa, there are indigenous languages and foreign languages which have been adopted due to colonialism.

Many of these foreign languages such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French are used in some countries as Lingua Franca while in other countries, there is also the use of native languages in formal settings.

For instance, South Africa has 12 formal languages and Zimbabwe has 16 official languages. In both countries, numerous native languages are used as formal languages rather than other foreign languages.

The 5 Main Languages Spoken in Africa and the Countries They Are Found 

1. Swahili (200 Million)

  • Native Speakers: 18 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 55 million
  • Countries Found: Tanzania, Kenya, Comoros, Mayotte, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Southern Somalia, Zambia, Malawi, Madagascar and Oman
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo

Swahili, also known as Kiswahili is a popular African language and is the most spoken on the continent. It is found in East Africa with over 200 million speakers in estimation.

Swahili is an official language in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tanzania has the highest number of Swahili native speakers.

Regardless, the language has speakers in other African countries such as Comoros, Mayotte, Burundi, Somalia, Zambia, Malawi, and Madagascar.

There are also many learners of the language across the world. For instance, Swahili is taught in over 50 universities in the US and several others in Europe and Asia.

2. Arabic (150 Million)

  • Speakers: 150 million
  • Countries Found: Algeria, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania (Zanzibar), and Tunisia
  • Language Family: Afro-Asiatic

According to some estimations about the most popular languages in Africa, Arabic is the most spoken language in Africa. However, the numbers based on estimation show that there are over 150 million native speakers in 13 countries.

Interestingly, Arabic is mutually unintelligible in some cases. This means that the variations of the language are different making some speakers unable to understand other speakers.

Arabic is mainly found in Northern Africa with Egypt, Algeria, Libya, and Sudan having some of the highest speakers. However, the language is also a minority language in northeastern Nigeria.

Apart from Arabic being a native language and having numerous native speakers in Africa, it is widely used in the entire continent for religious purposes in Islamic settings.

3. Hausa (88 million)

  • Native Speakers: 54 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 34 million
  • Countries Found: Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Ivory Coast, and Burkina Faso
  • Language Family: Afroasiatic

Hausa is the most spoken language in Nigeria, the most populated country in Africa. However, it is the third most popular language in Africa, coming after Arabic and Swahili.

Hausa is a Chadic language and the speakers who are known as the Hausa people (Hausawa) migrated from Nubia to Niger. Currently, native speakers of the language are found in Northern Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Niger, and Chad among other West African languages.

The language has numerous dialects known as Dauranci in Daura, Kananci in Kano, Sakkwatanci in Sokoto, Kurhwayanci, and Gaananci in Ghana; and Togo to mention a few.

4. Amharic (60 Million)

  • Native Speakers: 35 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 25 million
  • Countries Found: Ethiopia, Eritrea
  • Language Family: Afroasiatic (Semitic Group)

Amharic is a Semitic language under the Afro-Asiatic language family. It is the second most spoken language in Ethiopia, the second most spoken Semitic language in the world after Arabic, and the 4th most spoken language in Africa.

In Ethiopia, it is the official working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

5. Yoruba (47 Million)

  • Native Speakers: 45 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 2 million
  • Countries Found: Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia
  • Language Family:  Niger-Congo (Atlantic-Congo)

The Yoruba language is native to Yoruba people who are mainly found in West Africa in southwestern and central Nigeria, Togo, and Benin. It is also found in Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia, mostly due to migration.

The language is the second most popular language and one of the three major languages in Nigeria.

The Yoruba language has different dialects such as Northwest, Northeast, Central, Southwest, and Southeast (in Nigeria); and Lucumí language and Oworo dialects among others.

Yoruba is used for religious purposes (Yoruba religion (Ìṣẹ̀ṣe)- Traditional African religions) and is very popular in the US, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, and St. Vincent & The Grenadines.

Other Languages in Africa Based on Their Popularity 

6. Oromo (45.5 million)

  • Speakers: 45.5 million
  • Countries Found: Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia
  • Language Family: Afroasiatic

Oromo is a popular language found mostly in eastern Africa Kenya and Ethiopia. It is also spoken in some parts of Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and Sudan.

In Africa, it is the fourth most spoken language. Regardless, it is the most popular language found in Ethiopia – where it is spoken the most in the world. In the country, it is used officially alongside Amharic.

The language was once banned in Ethiopia. This was under Haile Selassie’s regime in 1940 (until 1991) when it was stopped from being spoken, used administratively, in schools, and in many other ways.

Oromo has different varieties including:

  • Western Oromo (Maca)
  • Shewa (Tuulama, Arsi)
  • Eastern Oromo (Harar)
  • Southern Oromo (Ajuran, Borana, Gabra, Munyo, Orma, Sakuye, Waata)

7. Lingala (Ngala)- 40 Million

  • Native Speakers: 20 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 20 million 
  • Countries Found: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Angola, the Central African Republic, Kenya, and South Sudan.
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

Lingala is a Bantu language that is found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Angola, the Central African Republic, Kenya, and South Sudan. It has at least 20 million native speakers and about 20 million second-language speakers.

According to Wikipedia, the number of speakers is approximated between 60 to 65 million.

The language has different regiolects and sociolects. The major varieties are northwestern Lingala, Kinshasa Lingala, and Brazzaville Lingala.

8. Fula – 39.7

  • Native Speakers: 37 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 2.7 million
  • Countries Found: Guinea, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Sudan
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Senegambian branch)

Fula which is also known as Fulani, Fulfulde, Pulaar, or Pular is a Senegambian language of the Atlantic-Congo family of the Niger-Congo language family.

It is the 8th most popular language in Africa and an official language in Burkina Faso.

The language is a major language mainly found in West Africa, Central, and North Africa.

Fula has speakers in Fula speakers can be found in Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gambia, Chad, Sierra Leone, Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Sudan, Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Liberia and Gabon.

9. Igbo – 32.5 Million

  • Native Speakers: 31 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 1.5 million
  • Countries Found: Nigeria
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Atlantic–Congo)

The Igbo language is an old language, one of the three major languages in Nigeria, and the 7th most popular language in Africa. The language is native to the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria.

In Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, the language is recognized as a minority language.

Despite being native to only a part of West Africa, Igbo people are considered the most traveled ethnic group in Nigeria and some of the most traveled ethnic groups in Africa. This means that their language can be found spoken beyond the shores of Nigeria or Africa.

10. Malagasy – 25 million

  • Native Speakers: 25 million
  • Countries Found: Madagascar and the Comoros
  • Language Family: Austronesian (Barito language Branch)

Malagasy is one of the two official languages found in Madagascar. There is a minority of speakers of the language in Comoros. The language is spoken by at least 24 million people and it is considered as one fo the most popular languages in Africa.

The language is the westernmost Malayo-Polynesian language and it is closely related to the Ma’anyan language.

Malagacy has twelve dialects between two main dialect groups; Eastern and Western. Some of the dialects include Northern Betsimisaraka Malagasy, Antankarana Malagasy, Southern Betsimisaraka Malagasy, Plateau (Merina) Malagasy, Tsimihety Malagas, and Tandroy-Mahafaly Malaga.

11. Somali – 24 Million

  • Native Speakers: 24 million
  • Countries Found: Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya
  • Language Family: Afro-Asiatic (Cushitic branch)

Somali is the most spoken language in Somalia, with about 89% of the population speakers. It is also the official language of the country as well as one of the 5 official languages in Ethiopia.

Somali is also spoken in Djibouti and Kenya. In total, there are about 24 million speakers of the language, making it the ninth most popular language in Africa.

The language belongs to the Cushite branch in the Afroasiacc language family.

Somali, like many other languages in Africa, has numerous dialects such as Ashraf, Benadiri, Maay, and Northern Somali.

12. Wolof – 23.1 Million

  • Native Speakers: 7.1 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 16 million
  • Countries Found: Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Senegambia Branch)

Wolof is one of the most widely spoken languages in Western Africa and one of the most popular in Africa. It is the most spoken language in Senegal with over 40% of the country’s population speaking it.

The language is also spoken in Gambia and also in Gambia.

Wolof is so popular that the English language borrowed words from the language. Some of the languages include banana and eat (as a root word).

The language has variations. For instance, the Senegalese Wolof is different from the Mauritanian and Gambian Wolof.

13. Xhosa (Xosa or isiXhosa)- 20 Million 

  • Native Speakers: 10 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 10 million
  • Countries Found: South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

Xhosa is an Nguni language and one of the 12 official languages in South Africa. It is also an official language in Zimbabwe. Together with Zulu, Southern Ndebele, and Northern Ndebele, Xhosa is included in the Zunda languages.

The language is so popular that about 18% of South Africa’s population speaks it.

Also, due to its popularity, the language is the official language of Wakanda, a Hollywood film.

14. Afrikaans – 17.5 Million

  • Native Speakers: 7.2 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 10.3 million
  • Countries Found: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Indo-European (Germanic branch)

Afrikaans is a language that was developed in the 18th century. It started as a vernacular until it later became a language that is native to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The language is believed to be one of the sexiest languages and accents in South Africa.

15. Berber- 16 Million

  • Speakers: 16 Million
  • Countries Found: Morocco, Algeria
  • Language Family: Afro-Asiatic (Semitic Group)

Berber is an ethnic group which is also known as Amazigh. The language has some similarities with some Semitic languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.

The language is mainly native to North Africa, in countries such as Morrocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. It is also spoken in some West African countries such as Mali and Niger.

Among the countries where Berber is spoken, Morocco has the most native speakers, claiming between 15 to 20 million speakers.

16. Chewa (Nyanja) 14 million

  • Native Speakers: 14 million
  • Countries Found: Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

Chewa is spoken by at least 14 million native speakers and it is also spoken as a second language.

The language is one of the most famous languages found in Africa and the most widely known in Malawi. It is also native to Zambia and Mozambique.

17. Sepedi (Sesotho sa Lebowa; Northern Sotho) – 13.8 Million

  • Native Speakers: 4.7 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 9.1 million
  • Countries Found: South Africa
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

Sepedi is the fifth most-spoken language in South Africa and one of the most popular in Africa. The Bantu language shares similarities with Setswana.

Sepedi has numerous dialects such as Bapedi, Phokwane, Bakone, Chuene, and Batlokwa.

18. Sesotho (Southern Sotho)- 13.5 Million

  • Native Speakers: 5.6 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 7.9 million
  • Countries Found: Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Southern Bantu)

Sesotho is a Bantu language which is also one of the twelve official languages in South Africa, one of the two official languages of Lesotho, and one of the sixteen official languages of Zimbabwe.

The language is closely related to other Bantu languages such as Venda, Tsonga, Tonga, and Lozi.

19. Kirundi (Rundi)- 13 million

  • Native Speakers: 13 million
  • Countries Found: Rwanda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and Kenya
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

Kirundi is one of the official languages in Burundi. It is also a widely spoken language in other parts of Africa.

The language is mutually intelligible with Kinyarwanda, another popular language in Africa.

20. Shona – 12 Million

  • Native Speakers: 6.5 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 5.50 million
  • Countries Found: Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

21. Akan – 11,000,000

  • Native Speakers: 8.9
  • Foreign Speakers: 2: 1 
  • Countries Found: Ghana
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Kwa branch)

Akan is one of Africa’s most popular languages. It is also the popular native language in Ghana where about 44% of the population are native speakers but about 80% of the country’s population can speak the language.

Akan language which is the .. most popular language in Africa has different dialects such as Bono (Twi), Asante, Akuapem, Bono (collectively known as Twi), and Fante.

22. Zulu – 10,400,000

  • Native Speakers: 13 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 16 million
  • Countries Found: South Africa, Lesotho
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

Zulu which is also known as isiZulu is an African language and one the 12 official languages in South Africa. The language is the.. most popular language in Africa, the second most spoken Bantu language after Swahili, and the most spoken native language in South Africa.

The language is closely related to the Northern Ndebele in Zimbabwe.

Zulu is one of the most popular ethnic groups in Africa. This is mainly because of Shaka Zulu, one of Africa’s most historic warriors.

The language has four dialects known as central KwaZulu-Natal Zulu, northern Transvaal Zulu, eastern coastal Qwabe, and western coastal Cele.

23. Kinyarwanda – 9,800,000

  • Native Speakers: 24 million
  • Countries Found: Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya
  • Language Family: Afro-Asiatic (Cushitic branch)

Kinyarwanda is one of the main languages spoken in Rwanda alongside English and French. It is spoken by about 93% of the total population of Rwanda.

Also, the language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Tanzania.

Kinyarwanda which is also known as Ikinyarwanda is a Bantu language. This means that it falls under the same language family as other African languages such as Zulu, Xhosa, Shona, and Kirundi,

There are different dialects of Kinyarwanda known as Bufumbwa, Ikinyabwishya, Igikiga, Ikinyamurenge, Ikirera, Urufumbira, and Urutwatwa.

Other Popular Languages in Africa

24. Tswana (Setswana; Sechuana)- 12.9 Million

  • Native Speakers: 12.9 Million
  • Countries Found: Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

25. Kongo – 11.5 Million

  • Native Speakers:  6.5 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 5 million
  • Countries Found: Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Angola
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

26. Luganda (Ganda) – 11 Million

  • Native Speakers: 5.6 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 5.4 million
  • Countries Found: Uganda
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

27. Tigrinya (Tigrigna)- 9.7 million

  • Native Speakers: 9.7 million
  • Countries Found: Eritrea, Ethiopia
  • Language Family: Afro-Asiatic (Semitic)

28. Gikuyu (Kikuyu) – 8.1 Million

  • Native Speakers: 8.1 Million
  • Countries Found: Kenya
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

29. Tsonga (Xitsonga)- 7.1 Million

  • Native Speakers: 3.7 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 3.4 million
  • Countries Found: Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

30. Umbundu (South Mbundu)- 7 Million

  • Native Speakers: 7,000,000
  • Countries Found: Angola
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

31. Luhya – 6,800,000

  • Native Speakers: 3.3 million
  • Countries Found: Kenya
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

32. Kalenjin (Elgeyo language)- 6.6 Million

  • Native Speakers: 6,600,000
  • Countries Found: Kenya and Uganda
  • Language Family: Nilo-Saharan (Nilotic)

33. Mossi (Mooré or More )- 6.5 million

  • Native Speakers: 6.5 million
  • Countries Found: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Niger, Mali, Togo and Senegal
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language)

34. Tshiluba (Luba-Kasai, Cilubà or Tshilubà, Luba-Lulua)- 6,300,000

  • Native Speakers: 6.4 Million
  • Countries Found:  Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu Language

35. Kituba – 5,400,000

  • Native Speakers: 5.4 million
  • Countries Found: the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Language Family: Kongo-based Creole

36. Luo – 5,000,000

  • Native Speakers: 5 million
  • Countries Found: Kenya and Tanzania
  • Language Family: Nilo-Saharan ( Nilotic language)

37. Swazi (siSwati)- 4.7 Million

  • Native Speakers: 2.3 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 2.4 million
  • Countries Found: Eswatini, South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

38. Tshivenda (Venḓa) – 3 Million

  • Native Speakers: 1.3 million
  • Foreign Speakers: 1.7 million
  • Countries Found: South Africa Zimbabwe, and Mozambique
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

39. Sena – 2.8 Million

  • Native Speakers: 2.8 million
  • Countries Found:  Mozambique, Malawi
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

40. Northern Ndebele (isiNdebele saseNyakatho, Zimbabwean Ndebele or North Ndebele) – 2,600,000

  • Native Speakers: 2.6 million
  • Countries Found: Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

41. Afar ( ’Afar Af, Afaraf, Qafar af) – 2,500,000

  • Native Speakers: 2.6 million
  • Countries Found: Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya
  • Language Family: Afro-Asiatic (Cushitic branch)

42. Ndau (chiNdau, Chindau, Ndzawu, Njao, Southeast Shona, Chidanda)- 2,400,000

  • Native Speakers: 2.4 million
  • Countries Found:  Mozambique, Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

43. Fon – 2,300,000

  • Native Speakers: 2.3 million
  • Countries Found: Benin, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Gabon
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

44. Kimbundu (Mbundu)- 1,700,000

  • Native Speakers: 1.7 million
  • Countries Found: Angola
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

45. Tonga (Zambezi)- 1,500,000

  • Native Speakers: 1.5 million
  • Countries Found: Zambia, Zimbabwe
  • Language Family: Niger-Congo (Bantu)

The post 45 Most Popular Languages in Africa appeared first on WeAfrique.

Mauritius: 10 Best Places To Visit In The Only Developed African Country Fri, 17 Nov 2023 19:40:51 +0000 Mauritius, the only developed country in Africa with a 0.802 HDI has numerous beautiful places to visit. Some of these places are manmade, while others are natural. Whether it is for the sake of worship, honeymoon, recreational purposes, family vacation, or even a casual outing, here are the top places you should see when you […]

The post Mauritius: 10 Best Places To Visit In The Only Developed African Country appeared first on WeAfrique.

Mauritius, the only developed country in Africa with a 0.802 HDI has numerous beautiful places to visit. Some of these places are manmade, while others are natural. Whether it is for the sake of worship, honeymoon, recreational purposes, family vacation, or even a casual outing, here are the top places you should see when you visit Mauritius. 

The Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Mauritius

1. Black River Gorges National Park 

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Here is the good news about visiting Mauritius’ Black River Gorges National Park. It is the largest protected forest in Mauritius and it prides itself on about 300 flowers and plants peculiar to only Mauritius.

It also has about 9 species of birds which are only found in Mauritius.

The famous and beautiful Alexandra Waterfall of Mauritius is found in the Black River Gorges National Park. The good news is that this site is not very difficult to find since signposts are created for ease.

The park also has facilities such as an information center, picnic area, kiosk, and parking space.

In case you want to visit the site, note that it is important to save some money for the tour guide. You may want to bring along hiking shoes, sun cream, mosquito repellent, and other essentials.

2. Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden
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Also known as the SSR Botanic Garden, the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden is one place where you shouldn’t visit Mauritius without letting your eyes feast on its beauty. It is located in Pamplemousses, near Port Louis, and is very notable for having lasted over 300 years.

This site is one of the most visited attractions in Mauritius. When visiting, you will explore and learn about plant species.

You’ll also find about 85 different varieties of palm trees brought from around the world, a giant water lilies pond, and more.

Before you visit this tourist site, you may want to keep in mind to take your sunscreen, mosquito repellent, covered shoes, and other essentials.

Moreso, you may want to keep in mind that tour guides are not free.

3. Chamarel Seven-Colored Earth Geopark

Chamarel Seven Colored Earth Geopark

The earth may have given you many sites to behold, but Mauritius tops its own with a unique Charamel 7-colored earth Geopark. This place of wonder has sands of different colors that harmonize into a great beauty to behold.

Interestingly, visitors can take a glance at another splash of nature, the Chamarel Waterfall along the Seven-Colored Earth.

The scenery can also lead you to Tortoise Park where you can behold giant tortoises that have an average lifespan of 150 years.

4. Chamarel Waterfall


How will visiting the highest waterfall in Mauritius make you feel? The fall is between 80 meters to 100.

It is a beauty that has become popular in Mauritius. With its beauty and many other natural things that stand there, there are different activities one can be involved in while visiting Chamarel Waterfall.

Some activities to try are swimming and hiking. Also, the environment is good for picnics.

5. La Vanille Nature Park

Best Places to Visit in Mauritius
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It’s not the usual site that only gives beauty to behold. It also leaves you with great knowledge to return home with. This park is packed and filled with endemic plants, Nile Crocodiles, tenrecs, eels, iguanas, and turtles. It is also the home of the oldest and one of the largest tortoises in the world.

The park also has an insectarium with rare species from various parts of the world.

One other interesting thing about visiting this park in Mauritius is the fact that your taste buds can have new things to try. Apart from the regular dish that may be common to many, it offers rare crocodile meat dishes.

La Vanille Nature Park has numerous activities such as an interactive farm, aquarium, children’s play area, pony rides, restaurant, Giant Aldabra Tortoise feeding, and more.

6. Blue Penny Museum

Blue Penny Museum
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What is a visit to Mauritius without a stop at the Blue Penny Museum? This place in Port Louis showcases the history and cultural heritage of the Island country.

Another section of the museum includes stamps, long-aged statues, coins, and notes that have been used in the country.

While this may be interesting enough, other sections make a visit to the museum worthwhile. One of them is having access to the events and exhibition sections. This part of the museum gives information about hosting events at the museum.

Another section is the shop which offers numerous products, including the world’s famous Post Office Stamps.

7. Grand Bassin 


Also known as Ganga Talao, this is one of the most visited places in Mauritius. It is mostly used as a sacred Hindu place and this makes it a place of prayer and meditation.

On the shoreline, there is a temple and a collection of small shrines dedicated to some Hindu gods, including Lord Shiva.

Also, the Grand Bassin which is a crater lake is rich in local monkeys which visitors get to see and play with.

Concerning location, this beautiful place is found in a secluded mountain. It is located in Savanne, a district of Mauritius which is in the South of the island.

See Also: 10 Best Places To Visit In Rwanda

8. Ile Aux Cerfs Island

Ile Aux Cerfs Island

The Ile Aux Cerfs is a beautiful island that has received numerous visitors over time. The place is also known as deer land in English even though no deer are currently found there.

Regardless, the place still maintains a position as one of the most beautiful places in Mauritius and Africa. It constituted around 100 hectares of land and it is known for its sandy beaches.

There are many water sports activities visitors can engage in. There are also a hotel, restaurants, and many other things to enjoy while visiting Ile Aux Cerfs Island.

The island is located in the Flaxq district of Mauritius.

9. Le Morne Beach

Best Places to Visit in Mauritius

The Le Morne beach is beautiful and great for lovers of water, sand, and other natural phenomena. The beach is located at the door of the majestic Le Morne Brabant mountain.

The mountain is listed as a World Heritage UNESCO site.

Le Morne Beach is characterized by white sand and clear water. It is also a great place for water activities such as scuba diving,  boating, and swimming.

10. Mauritius Aquarium

Mauritius Aquarium

The Mauritius Aquarium is another highly visited place in Mauritius. There are many fish and other aquatic animals. These species are over 200 and they include clownfish, sharks, butterfly fish, sea turtles, squirrel fish, and lobsters.

In the aquarium, you can go beyond seeing marine creatures. There are animals you can touch and feed as well.

Mauritius Aquarium can be found in a small in the northwestern part of Mauritius.

The post Mauritius: 10 Best Places To Visit In The Only Developed African Country appeared first on WeAfrique.

Who Is Nzuzo Njilo? 10 Unknown Facts About Him Thu, 19 Oct 2023 09:47:29 +0000 One minute, you are trending for good reasons, and people are calling you a power couple because you’re married to a famous and loved TV personality. The next minute, the police are brandishing your image all over KwaZulu-Natal. This is the story of Nzuzo Njilo, a TV host and Faith Nketsi’s husband. Nzuzo Njilo’s marriage […]

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One minute, you are trending for good reasons, and people are calling you a power couple because you’re married to a famous and loved TV personality. The next minute, the police are brandishing your image all over KwaZulu-Natal.

This is the story of Nzuzo Njilo, a TV host and Faith Nketsi’s husband.

Nzuzo Njilo’s marriage to Faith Nketsi was quiet, yet when people knew about it, it became the talk of the town. However, a year later, with a child together, it seems there is trouble in paradise.

Following two fraud accusations, the son of the former Msunduzi mayor has been made to face the law and defend himself. On the other hand, it looks like Faith is trying to move on and get her life back together.

Here are 10 Facts about Nzuzo Njilo You Should Know

1. How Old is He?

Njilo Nzuzo’s age is not known, but reveals that his birth year is 1993. Following this suggestion, it would be safe to say that the young man is 31 years old.

He was born in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

He came into the limelight for his marriage to South African influencer, media personality, and model, Faith Mapholoso Nketsi, who was born on December 20, 1994. She was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.

2. He Hails from an Affluent Background

Even though people became aware of him through his marriage, Nzuzo actually hails from an affluent and famous background.

His father is Themba Njilo, who once served as the mayor of Msunduzi Municipality. He was also a very active member of the ANC political party before he was ousted by party members.

Nzuzo’s mother’s name is Thembekile, but not much is known about her as she prefers to remain relatively private.

He has another known family member in the person of his brother, identified as Phumlani Njilo.

3. Nzuzo Njilo is Involved in His Family’s Business

Themba Njilo, Nzuzo’s father, is a well-established businessman who has a couple of businesses to his name.

Following in his father’s footsteps, the young man has risen up to be involved in his family’s business. He has roles to play in both the Themba Njilo Foundation, located in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Nduduzo Funeral Services, also in KwaZulu-Natal.

Aside from his family business, Nzuzo also has his own business, which he oversees. He is the founder of a truck company.

This truck business is the bane of one of the troubles the KwaZulu-Natal native got into in recent times.

4. Nzuzo Njilo’s Brother Made Headlines Once for Not-so-good Reasons

Phumlani Njilo, Nzuzo’s brother, is a South African musician known for songs such as Bayizimbali. He is also married to a woman known as Ayanda Njilo.

In May 2022, rumors made the rounds that the singer was cheating on his wife. According to the reports, he and his wife attended Dedane Mkhize’s wedding, and at the end of the ceremony, he took his wife home. However, the singer was later seen with Lee Khumalo hanging out.

There was no denial or confirmation of this allegation by the singer, his wife, or Lee.

5. He Became Famous for his Marriage to TV Personality, Faith Nketsi

As severally indicated, Nzuzo Njilo became widely known after his marriage to South African TV personality Faith Nketsi made it to the limelight.

The couple had known each other for years but had not started any romantic relationship until 2020. It was revealed that they started dating during the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Two years later, Faith and her businessman beau married in a private ceremony. They only revealed their union after the wedding.

6. He is a Father

The union between Nketsi and Njilo saw the birth of a daughter. The girl named Sky Njilo was born on August 29, 2022.

While pregnant, Faith kept it secret, and even after the birth of Sky, she did not reveal her face until recently.

After mistakenly uploading a picture of her baby on her Instagram story, Faith decided to post a full picture with Sky’s face visible in September 2023.

7. Nzuzo Njilo Became Infamous for Fraud Allegations


Since 2022, Faith Nketsi’s husband, Nzuzo Njilo, has been facing fraud accusations. The first fraud case against him was made by his business partners, Blaine Evans and James Stephens, owners of Lund Industries.

They claimed that they paid Nzuzo about R1 million for him to supply them with copper concentrate since August 2022, but he never delivered. The case was filed at the Randburg Magistrate Court in Gauteng.

The second case was filed in KwaZulu-Natal in 2023 after another victim claimed she paid Njilo and an accomplice money for a truck they sold her but never delivered on.

When the victim made the case at the police station, Faith’s husband and his co-accused, a man named Kwanda, turned themselves in.

While the case against him in Gauteng was eventually dropped, this second case had its first hearing in June 2023 in Port Shepstone. After that, the case was postponed to November, with Njilo being granted R30,000 bail while his accomplice, a mining consultant, was granted R3,000 bail.

8. There are Rumors of the Businessman being Bankrupt

News has it that Njilo Nzuzo is financially down and even on the brink of bankruptcy. Following the fraud cases leveled against him, it seems that his wife, Faith, has gone on to file bankruptcy claims.

Also, back in 2022, debtors went over to the businessman’s house in search of any valuables they could find. Unfortunately, they didn’t find many valuable properties.

9. Is his Marriage on the Brink of Collapsing?


The marriage of barely a year seems to be on the verge of ending following the accusations of fraud Nketsi’s husband faces. News has it that the TV personality moved out of her matrimonial home and has separated from her husband.

Nketsi has a history of psychological issues and claims that she could be confined to a mental home if she didn’t separate from her husband and all the controversies.

In a different story, brieflynewsza’s TikTok page posted photos of the couple, claiming those were taken at a Cape Town wedding after Nzuzo posted bail.

10. His Wife has Gone Back to Working

Probably due to the financial problems her husband is going through, Faith has gone back to work. She resumed hosting at the Booth Night Club and has made it fully clear that she is back for business.

Apart from hosting shows and having her own reality TV show known as Have Faith, Nketsi was a member of a local dance group. She was part of the dance group known as ‘Pro-Twerkers’ before meeting and getting married to Njilo.

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10 Places To Visit In Malawi Wed, 20 Sep 2023 10:19:03 +0000 From off-roading on a safari to snorkeling in magnificent lakes, Malawi offers a ton of wonderful adventures to any adventurous tourist. This is a diverse country with a tremendous variety of species, stunning beaches, beautiful cities, heavenly wineries, and majestic mountains. Take a break from the township, grab a set of wheels, and set off […]

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From off-roading on a safari to snorkeling in magnificent lakes, Malawi offers a ton of wonderful adventures to any adventurous tourist. This is a diverse country with a tremendous variety of species, stunning beaches, beautiful cities, heavenly wineries, and majestic mountains.

Take a break from the township, grab a set of wheels, and set off on a journey through the Liwonde National Park, where lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, elephants, and buffalo graze freely. Make sure to visit Majete, which is renowned for its incredible biodiversity. While admiring the views from the summit of Mountain Peaks, take a walk on the wild side of the Mulanje mountains. It’s difficult to think of another vacation spot with as much variety. Here are some of Malawi’s top tourist destinations.

Destinations In Malawi That Will Take Your Breath Away

1. Lilongwe


Lilongwe is gorgeous, as one would expect given that it is Malawi’s capital. The city has been masterfully and deliberately planned to accommodate a number of government and public institutions, including the University of Malawi, the Bingu National Stadium, and Kamuzu International Airport.

In addition, the city is a commercial center and home to a number of unique recreation areas such as Dreamland, Gecdec Leisure Center, and Fun City. Therefore, if you ever plan to travel to Malawi, whether for business, academics, or pleasure, you might want to think about staying in Lilongwe.

2. Liwonde National Park

Liwonde is Malawi’s top location for seeing wildlife because it is surrounded by some of nature’s finest. The park, which lies in Malawi’s southern region close to the border with Mozambique, has been host to some notable wildlife translocations and reintroductions. The Liwonde National Park, which borders the Shire River and Lake Malombe, provides glimpses of the rocky trails and walks used by elephants, hippos, and endangered black rhinos, to name a few.

Furthermore, the birding in the park is simply outstanding especially if you are on a boat cruise, simple walk, or game drive. Those who have visited this park will agree that the ideal way to end the day is with a chill wine or tonic while watching the sunset over the Shire River.

3. Blantyre

Although Lilongwe is regarded as Malawi’s capital, Blantyre is unquestionably the nation’s financial and commercial hub. It produces the most jobs in the nation and has the most multiplier effect on the urban economy. With numerous manufacturing facilities, the city serves as Malawi’s industrial center.

Aside from business, you can choose to travel to Blantyre for intellectual reasons as well. The city is home to a number of educational institutions, such as the Blantyre Institute of Management, Central Christian University, and the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences. Meanwhile, The La Caverna Art Gallery, the famed St. Michael and All Angels Church, and the Chichiri Museum are just a few of the city’s prominent locations.

ALSO SEE: 10 Safest African Countries In 2023

4. Majete Wildlife Reserve

Majete Wildlife Reserve
Majete Wildlife Reserve (Image)

During your journey to Malawi, you really shouldn’t pass up the chance to see Majete. The Majete Wildlife Reserve, which is adjacent to Blantyre in the south of Malawi, is made up of mature miombo woodlands, granite-topped hills, and scenic river basins.

After years of poaching, the reserve has once again become a sustainable development and the sole recognized Big 5 Game Park in Malawi. So far, this is one of the biggest conservation success stories in Africa. There are now breeding populations of once-endangered animals, so you can anticipate incredible experiences.

Majete is also home to approximately 300 different bird species, including four different species of vultures and a large number of bateleur eagles. The boulder chatterer, Livingstone flycatcher, Boehm’s bee-eater, cuckoo hawk, Pel’s fishing owl, and rock pratincole are a few other noteworthy birds. Avid birders will definitely find plenty of diversity to keep them occupied here.

In the meantime, consider Mkulumadzi Lodge if you want to unwind in Majete Wildlife Reserve. The Mkulumadzi Lodge is unquestionably a tiny paradise. It provides breathtaking views of the surroundings and is located on the banks of the Shire River. There are 8 lovely chalets in Mkulumadzi where you may relax. This will give you an unforgettable stay and experience, with the calming sound of the river and wildlife in the background.
You may access this breathtaking setting with an infinity pool, restaurant, and a variety of opulent amenities over a suspension bridge.

5. Lake Malawi National Park

The Malawi national park, with its deep, clear waters and mountain backdrop, is situated at the southern end of the enormous Lake Malawi. It is widely known to be home to hundreds of fish species, almost all of which are endemic.

Since it was of global importance for biodiversity protection due notably to its fish diversity, Lake Malawi National Park was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.

Lying within the Western Rift Valley, the lake is one of the deepest lakes in the world. The property is surrounded by untamed terrain and is located in a region of extraordinary natural beauty. It has numerous hundreds of cichlid fish, locally referred to as “mbuna,” which are almost all native to Lake Malawi. The mbuna fishes offer a noteworthy illustration of biological evolution. Because Lake Malawi is cut off from other bodies of water, its fish have undergone amazing adaptive radiation and diversification, making them a prime illustration of ecological processes.

6. Cape Maclear

Chembe Village is another name for Cape Maclear. Clear sea, sand beaches, welcoming people, and stunning hills make Cape Maclear a stunning location. With the opening of the Cape Maclear Hotel in 1940, tourism slowly developed into what it is today.

As the busiest resort on Lake Malawi, the town is described as a leading tourist destination and includes bars, restaurants, resorts, and guesthouses. Snorkeling, hiking, boat tours, kayaking, and diving are among the activities you can do in Cape Maclear.

7. Likoma Island

The larger of two islands in Lake Malawi in East Africa is Likoma Island, with the smaller being adjacent Chizumulu. The Likoma District is made up of the two Malawian cities of Likoma and Chizumulu. They are both exclaves of Malawi despite being only a few kilometers apart and completely encircled by Mozambican territorial seas.

The natural ecosystem of Likoma Island remains mostly unaltered despite its dense population. With steep cliffs, sandy bays, and wetlands, the coast is diverse. The island’s interior, which is primarily made up of grassland with many baobab and mango trees, is home to a variety of small reptiles, amphibians, birds, and insects, including scorpion spiders. Crocodiles can occasionally be found along the coast. As is customary in Lake Malawi, several cichlids can be found in the waters near Likoma.

Since Likoma is a popular tourist destination in Malawi, there are a few hotels, most of which follow ecotouristic ideals.

8. Zomba

Zomba (image)

Zomba is a city in southern Malawi, in the Shire Highlands. It is the former capital city of Malawi.

The Zomba Plateau is the city’s principal appeal. Rock climbing, horseback riding, birdwatching, fishing, and mountain biking are among the available activities Zomba presents.

The most lavish hotel in the region is the Ku Chawe Inn, which is located directly on the edge of the plateau. Visitors may camp on the trout farm or stay in log homes. Two backpacker hostels and a number of lodges, from budget to mid-range, are available for visitors within the town. Also, beautiful locally created souvenirs are available at a craft market in the area.

Additionally, Zomba serves as the hub for the nearby dairy and tobacco farms, which also grow softwoods, fish, and corn.

Meanwhile, If you want to travel to Malawi for research or other academic reasons, you might also Zomba, which is home to a number of educational institutions, including the University of Malawi and the Zomba Theological College.

9. Mount Mulanje

The highest mountain in Malawi is Mount Mulanje. With a height of 3,002 meters, Sapitwa Peak is the highest peak and is composed of granite and diorite, two strong metamorphic rocks. The enormous mass, which is the tallest in Central Africa, stretches 26 km. It is close to the South Malawi capital and is located to the east of Blantyre. Every year, many tourists and hikers visit the Mountain. This mountain also offers at least 20 peaks above 2,500 meters scattered across a wondrously gorgeous landscape of basins and plateaus, rivers, gorges, and waterfalls.

Locals refer to Mulanje as the “island in the sky” because of how abruptly it rises from the plains below, which are only 650 meters high on average. As you get closer to Mulanje and see it towering above all around it, there is a genuine sensation of amazement and awe, unlike some of the world’s peaks that are partly “hidden” in surrounding ranges.

10. King African Rifles Monument

The King African Rifles Monument is another intriguing location you might want to check out while in Malawi. Going down memory lane, ‘The King’s African Rifles’ was the name given to the unified British forces in East and Central Africa in 1902.

The King’s African Rifles soldiers who fought in the First and Second World Wars are honored by this majestic red brick monument in Zomba, the former capital of Malawi.

You can observe the numerous valiant acts of Malawians who served not just in Africa but all over the world as you ascend the stairs to the monument on a tiny hill. More so, The Park is the ideal location to unwind and enjoy yourself because it is surrounded by a tranquil and serene ambiance.

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10 Truth About African Tribal Marks Wed, 20 Sep 2023 08:47:48 +0000 The inscription of tribal marks serves different purposes across many African ethnic groups. These purposes include beautification, identification, and spiritual protection as the case may be. Although the practice is adjudged barbaric and unhealthy in modern times due to the way and manner it is conducted, tribal marking or scarification is still being practiced by […]

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The inscription of tribal marks serves different purposes across many African ethnic groups. These purposes include beautification, identification, and spiritual protection as the case may be. Although the practice is adjudged barbaric and unhealthy in modern times due to the way and manner it is conducted, tribal marking or scarification is still being practiced by some ethnic groups across the African continent. 

While scarification is known to predate the invasion and annexation of Africa by the Western European powers, European slave raiders leveraged a similar practice; involving the cutting and perforation of body parts of their slaves. This helped them to distinguish their captives and also identify them if they escaped.

Interesting Facts About African Tribal Marks That You Should Know

1. Tribal Marks Helped Repatriated Slaves to Reunite with their Communities During the trans-Atlantic slave trade 

While it has already been established that the Euro-American slave trade leveraged scarification in distinguishing the captives of slave owners, the initial tribal marks that the 16th to 19th-century slaves wore helped them in locating and reuniting with their families and communities after their repatriation following the abolitionist’s movement in the 20th century.

2. Scarification has been in Existence for Hundreds of Years

Although there are divergent views regarding the history of tribal marks or scarification in Africa, no one can dispute the fact that the practice predates the invasion and annexation of the continent. Surprisingly, the significance of the practice is nearly identical across many ethnic groups throughout Africa.

For instance, some ethnic groups in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and South Sudan believe that tribal marks are significant in beautification and identification during wars. They also believe that the practice helps to trace a person’s tribe and family while checking incidents of incest and intra-family marriage.

Although with minor modifications, these beliefs are similar to countries like Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Benin Republic, and Tanzania.

3. Tribal Marking is Used to Celebrate the Onset of Puberty In Some Parts of Africa

While the significance of tribal marks is pretty much alike for most African societies, other ethnic groups like that of the Suri of Ethiopia make body markings to commemorate important rituals such as puberty, childbirth, or even victory at war.
Furthermore, the Suri women believe their beauty is better projected when they have tribal marks in intricate patterns all over their bodies. They are also known for lip plating as you will also find in Eritrea and Sudan.
Scarification also means a period of getting younger men used to bravery and bloodshed in Ethiopia. It is also believed that men who get used to cuts on their flesh will not fear death. Furthermore, tribal marks are believed to serve as a means of attracting the opposite sex and enhancing sexual activities in the said region.

4. It is Alleged that Tribal Marks Keep Mischievous Children Alive 

The Yoruba people of South-Western Nigeria are one of the most recognized with tribal marks in Africa. Aside from the functions of identification, and beautification as stated earlier, this ethnic group believes certain marks help in keeping mischievous children alive. These types of children are called Ila Abiku.

Ila Abiku refers to a child who dies before reaching puberty and returns to the same mother multiple times to be reborn over and over again. In such cases, it is believed that the spirit that lives in such a child is indifferent to the plight of its mother and possesses the Abiku spirit. Hence, certain tribal marks are made on such a child to keep him or her alive.

Similarly, the Igbo ethnic group of South Eastern Nigeria sometimes administers marks on children referred to as Ogbanje; meaning evil child. Specific tribal marks on the Ogbanje are believed to deter such a child from tormenting his parents by being born over and over again just as in the case of Abiku.

5. Some African Tribal Marks Cure Certain Ailments

In most African communities, the practice of traditional herbal medicine is duly recognized and appreciated. While most herbalists usually use a mixture of herbs to address the medical challenges of their clients, there are instances where certain marks are made on the body in order to arrest certain ailments.
This could mean spiritual protection in some instances, but at other times the marks are purely done to arrest a medical condition.
For instance, some of the Ashanti people of Ghana still grace their right cheek with a mark that is believed to have a far-reaching impact on their health – curing convulsions, fever, and other diseases.
More so, several Africans have said some of the marks they bear helped them to survive severe sicknesses and evil spirits right from childhood.

6. It is used to Reflect Position or Royalty

The practice of tribal marking is significant in showing the position of a particular child in the family in some ethnic groups. For instance, the Oyo people of Western Nigeria give tribal marks to every firstborn regardless of sex.

More so, the Mossi ethnic group of Burkina Faso used to have a special tribal mark for the royal family. The Royal Family’s tribal mark consists of three lines that start near the jawline tracing the shape of the face to the other side of the mouth.

Similarly, tribal marks are associated with the throne in Iseyin, Oyo State. Consequently, anyone who becomes king in the community is expected to have the Pele tribal mark.

7. The Process is Often Long and Painful

African tribal marks may appear beautiful to those who care. However, the processes of acquiring such marks are usually long, extreme, painful, and unhealthy in most cases.

Depending on the ethnic group, the process usually involves the use of knives, broken bottles, thorns, and stones to make mutilations, and perforations on a small or large space on the human body.

In some climes, scarification is done by burning or slicing the skin with a razor blade. By the time the skin is sliced, funny elements like ash, sand, or natural herbs are applied in order to inflame the cut enough to swell up significantly.

More so, the process is usually conducted by individuals who do not have any prior medical knowledge. Meaning they can hardly administer any sort of analgesic to reduce the pain of their victims. They also use unsterilized tools that may transmit diseases like tetanus hepatitis B and HIV AIDS according to experts. Moreover, other effects of the practice include skin cancer and permanent discomfiture.

Unfortunately, because of the crude and unhygienic manner in which tribal marks are administered, several victims experience blood loss and in some instances, death. Furthermore, medical experts have alleged that many children have died during the process.

8. African Tribal Marks May Cause Trauma and Social Stigma 

While there are known physical consequences regarding tribal marks, the practice also has a long psychological, emotional, and social effect on the victim. As you may likely find, children and teenagers who were marked from childhood usually face a lot of jeer, mockery, and ridicule from their peers or even other members of society which leads to low self-esteem.

In most cases, people use their appearance to pick on them or make expensive jokes that may just be too humiliating and dehumanizing. With these and more, there is every likelihood for such persons to slide into depression or develop other forms of mental illness.

9. Many African Tribes Have Abandoned the Practice

While we still see a number of persons in the African continent wearing tribal marks, the practice is drastically fading away. In fact, most of the people you will find with tribal marks now are either those who are advanced in age or people who are still residing in very remote villages. Meanwhile, some researchers have predicted that tribal marks will be something that the coming generation will only view in pictures and read in books due to the increasing apathy being witnessed against the practice.

10. It is Termed ‘Pagan Practice’ in Some African Societies

It is no longer news that the use of tribal marks is drastically fading away in several African ethnic groups. This is propelled by the agitations of victims who evolved to indict their parents or caregivers for modifying their bodies without their consent. Furthermore, the influence of religion is also a major factor in abating the practice which is now termed ‘pagan.’

Meanwhile, several state legislators have passed laws and regulations banning the marking of any child; describing the act as child abuse. Notwithstanding, there are individuals who still believe that tribal marks are one of the best ways Africans can sustain their culture and values.

The post 10 Truth About African Tribal Marks appeared first on WeAfrique.

Meet Charmaine Lewis, Jenifer Lewis’ Daughter Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:42:05 +0000 Charmaine Lewis had a normal childhood with her biological parents, until she met Jenifer Lewis, a famous actress and singer who starred in over 100 films and TV shows. She was so impressed by Charmaine’s talent and personality that she decided to adopt her and raise her as her own daughter when she was 12 […]

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Charmaine Lewis had a normal childhood with her biological parents, until she met Jenifer Lewis, a famous actress and singer who starred in over 100 films and TV shows. She was so impressed by Charmaine’s talent and personality that she decided to adopt her and raise her as her own daughter when she was 12 years old.

Charmaine grew up under the loving care of Jenifer, and also found her true love in Keith Harrison Dowrokin, a musical artist, and married him in 2021. They welcomed a son named Kilanu in 2022, who is the joy of their lives.

Biography of Charmaine Lewis

Charmaine Lewis’ date of birth is unknown, but we know that she was adopted by Jenifer Lewis when she was 12 years old. Her biological mother had multiple sclerosis and could not take care of her. The actress became her adoptive mother and raised her as her own daughter.

Charmaine met Jenifer when she was 7 years old, through the Big Sister, Big Brother program. This is a program that matches children with adult mentors who can guide and support them. Jenifer Lewis was Charmaine’s Big Sister and they formed a strong bond.

She has three half-siblings from her father Arnold Byrd’s previous marriage. Their names are Aaron Byrd, AJ Byrd, and another one whose name is not revealed.

Her parents, Jenifer Lewis and Arnold Byrd married in 2012.

A Look At Her Career

Charmaine Lewis followed her mother’s footsteps in the entertainment industry and appeared in a couple of movies. She was in Strange Blood (2015), a horror film about a scientist who turns into a monster after being infected by a parasite. She played Blood Woman, one of his victims.

She also starred in Instagram Is A Liar (2015), a short film about a woman who fakes her online life. She played Lizzie, the woman’s friend who helps her lie to her followers. These are the only movies she has acted in so far.

Besides acting, Charmaine Lewis is also a creative consultant. She expresses her creativity through her artwork, which she posts on her Instagram page.

See Also-Stayce Holte: Is She Patti Labelle’s Daughter, 7 Fascinating Facts About Her

Charmaine Has Been Married To Keith Harrison Dworkin Since 2021

Charmaine Lewis and Keith Harrison Dworkin, a musical artist, have been happily married for 2 years. They tied the knot on September 5, 2021, in a beautiful ceremony with their loved ones. A year later, they welcomed their first son, Kilanu C’Hari Jackson Dworkin, who was born on March 6, 2022. He is now 2 and adorable.

Meet Her Parents

Charmaine Lewis’ Mother, Jennifer Lewis ‘The Holly Wood Black Mother’ Is An Actress, Comedian, And Singer 

Jennifer Lewis

Jennifer Jeanette Lewis is 67-year-old American actress, singer, and activist who was born in Kinloch, Missouri, United States. Her father was a factory worker and her mother was a nurse aide. She attended Kinloch High School and Webster Groves College in Missouri. She then moved to New York to pursue her career in the entertainment industry.

She started as a Broadway performer and a backup singer for Bette Midler. Her first Broadway show was Eubie (1979), a musical about the life of composer Eubie Blake. She also starred in Dreamgirls, a musical about a female singing group. She gradually expanded her profile from singing to theater to film and television.

She has appeared in more than 100 films and TV shows, such as What’s Love Got to Do With It, The Preacher’s Wife, The Princess and the Frog, and Black-ish. She has won two Critics’ Choice Television Awards and has been nominated for several other awards.

She has also been open about her struggle with bipolar disorder, which she was diagnosed with in 1990. She has undergone 17 years of therapy and 10 years of medication to cope with her mental health condition. She has shared her story in her memoir, The Mother of Black Hollywood, and in various interviews. She says she has learned to love herself and deal with her illness every day.

Some of her works include:

  • Poetic Justice (1993) – Annie
  • The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air- Aunt Ruby 
  • What Love Got to With It (1993) – Zelma Bullock
  • The Preacher’s Wife (1996) – Marguerite Coleman
  •  Think Like a man (2012- 2014)-Loretta
  • The Cook Out (2004) – Lady Em
  • Blackish (2014 – 2022) – Ruby Johnson

The Father of Charmaine Lewis, Arnold Byrd a Retired Mariner

Arnold Byrd is a former sergeant of the U.S. Marines and the husband of Jenifer Lewis. He graduated from California State University with a B.Sc. in Public Administration in 1982. He then obtained his second degree in Non-Profit/Public Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix in 1996.

He started dating Jenifer in 2010, and she announced their relationship to the public. She described him as a kind and supportive partner.

He had three children from his previous marriage before he married Jenifer in 2012. He is now in his mid-sixties and works as an operations manager.

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Stayce Holte: Is She Patti Labelle’s Daughter, 7 Fascinating Facts About Her Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:05:31 +0000 Stayce Holte is a businesswoman, an LGBTQ rights activist, and the niece and adopted daughter of established musician, Patti Labelle. The -year-old is also the founder of The Stayce Holte Love Conglomerate, works as a Nose Hair Clipper at a charity organization called Comic Relief; and is a member of the Black same-gender-loving called Los […]

The post Stayce Holte: Is She Patti Labelle’s Daughter, 7 Fascinating Facts About Her appeared first on WeAfrique.

Stayce Holte is a businesswoman, an LGBTQ rights activist, and the niece and adopted daughter of established musician, Patti Labelle. The 58-year-old is also the founder of The Stayce Holte Love Conglomerate, works as a Nose Hair Clipper at a charity organization called Comic Relief; and is a member of the Black same-gender-loving called Los Angeles Black Pride.

Stayce’s aunt and adopted mother, Patti Labelle remains a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. She is a singer, songwriter, and actress with Grammy Awards to her name. Referred to as the ‘Godmother of Soul’, she is known for songs like  If Only You Knew, New Attitude, and On My Own. 

Stayce Holte is not Patti Labelle’s Biological Mother But was Adopted by the Musician

Stayce Holte was born to Jacqueline “Jackie” Holte. Her exact date of birth remains debatable as sources claim that she was born on May 18. However, Patti Labelle has celebrated her daughter numerous times on social media on 19 May. Also, other sources say she was born in 1965 while other repot her year of birth as 1966.

Whatever the case, her mother was Patti Labelle’s younger sister and she died of brain cancer on July 7, 1989.

Following her mother’s death, Stayce and her brother William Holte were adopted by Patti.

Stayce’s adoption came after Labelle had adopted 2 other children, Dodd Stocker-Edward and Stanley Stocker-Edward. Patti then had 5 children, including her biological son Zuri Edwards.

Here are some Stunning Facts About Stacy Holte

1. Stacy Holte Struggled with Mental Health and Attempted Suicide 

The 58– year-old battled with Bipolar disorder which she disclosed in 2019. She reported on her Instagram page that she once attempted suicide and also planned it at a time in 2014. However, she was able to pass through the difficult time and is now grateful that she didn’t end her life.

While she was going through the turmoil of mental distress, some people didn’t believe her and others thought she was only having it in her head. She also revealed that she was also called lazy by others.

Whatever the case, she is now a mental health advocate and asks people to reduce being judgmental and support those battling different mental challenges as they would people living with cancer, ALS, and Lupus.

2. Patti Labelle is the Last Surviving Maternal Aunt Of Stayce 

As earlier mentioned, Stayce lost her mother and cancer and again, she lost her aunt, Vivian to the same ailment. Both of them died in the 40s.

As a result, Labelle is the only surviving of her siblings and the closest maternal aunt to Stayce.

Also, as a result of her aunt losing her sisters to cancer, Labelle joined the American Cancer Initiative Lung Force. 

3. Stayce Holte and Her Mother Tag Themselves as Wonder Twins  

Stayce and her mother behave alike. According to her, She and her mother are wonder twins.

She posted a picture of herself and her adopted mother in similar outfits and she disclosed that aside from being relatives, they share a lot of similar traits. From their style, attitude, pose mannerisms, and even similes.

Read Also: Keenen Ivory Wayans Children: All There Is To Know About Them

4. She Has a Career Away From Entertainment

Despite having a mother in the entertainment industry and having some siblings in the same industry, Stayce chose a different path. She is a business owner of The Stayce Holte Love Conglomorate, an organization aimed at uniting different people.

Also, she has a career as a Nose Hair Clipper at a charity organization called Comic Relief. To add to this, Stayce is a member of  Los Angeles Black Pride, a supporter of the Black same-gender-loving.

5. Stayce Is For Pro Natural Hair 

According to Stacey, her mother and grandmother always fought concerning her natural hair. At 5, her mother wanted her to know that she didn’t need long straightened hair to be attractive and had to know she was naturally beautiful with her hair.  So her mother took her to the barber’s shop and cut her hair.

It was traumatizing and made her hate her mum for years. However, the story changed and she hasn’t relaxed her hair in decades although her hair gets tangled, she does everything with it and adores the hair so much.

6. Patti Labelle’s Daughter Has a Lung Disease 

The adopted daughter of Patti is Asthmatic. Holte divulged her health condition through her post. She supposedly had a minor attack and snapped her inhaler which coincidentally had a matching color with her nail polish which she used as her caption.

The situation of her ailment is unknown and there is no certainty when she was diagnosed with it but it seems she is taking precautions and managing well.

7. Stayce Holte May Be Lesbian and Could Have Been Married 

Stayce has shared post calling a woman named Pam her first love. Also, there are many reports on the internet pointing at her as a lesbian. Whatever the case, she is an LGBTQ  advocate.

With respect to why she could be married, the celebrity daughter of Labelle shared a picture on her Instagram page with a wedding ring in 2013. The picture was taken at the 30th birthday.

Nonetheless, there is no revelation with respect to who she is married to.

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Shawn Howell Wayans Is Marlon Wayans Son: Everything To Know About Him Fri, 03 Mar 2023 10:24:14 +0000 Shawn Howell Wayans is the only son of the White Chicks actor, Marlon Wayans. He was born on February 3, 2002, two years after the birth of his father’s first child. He is the first and only son of the actor. Shawn is the offspring of his father’s 21 years of relationship with Angelica Zachary. […]

The post Shawn Howell Wayans Is Marlon Wayans Son: Everything To Know About Him appeared first on WeAfrique.

Shawn Howell Wayans is the only son of the White Chicks actor, Marlon Wayans. He was born on February 3, 2002, two years after the birth of his father’s first child. He is the first and only son of the actor. Shawn is the offspring of his father’s 21 years of relationship with Angelica Zachary.

Shawn Howell graduated from high school in 2020 and was an athlete while in school. At the moment, he is a private person and hasn’t revealed much about himself. However, his father whom he supposedly is a splitting image of, has shared a couple of photos of the 22-year old, celebrating his wins and milestones.

Shawn Wayans' Personal Profile

  • Full Name: Shawn Howell Wayans
  • Date of Birth: February 03, 2002
  • Age: 22 years old
  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Place of Birth: Los Angeles, New York.
  • Parents: Marlon Wayans (Father) and Angelica Zachary (Mother)
  • Siblings: Amai Zachery Wayans (Older Sister)
  • Nationality: American
  • Ethnicity: Mixed ethnicity (Japanese African-American)
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Instagram: @shawnwayansss

Shawn Howell Wayans was Named After His Grandfather and Uncle

Marlon Wayan’s son was born on February 3, 2002, in Los Angeles, United States of America. He was named Shawn Howell Wayans after his father’s older brother. The Wayans brothers made a pact while they were still young, to name their first sons after each other.

Howell was also his grandfather’s name. According to Marlon, his father, Howell, and his older brother, Shawn, are his older are his heroes.

Marlon Wayans named his first son, after his older brother in respect to the promise. In a similar vein, Shawn Wayans also named his son after his younger brother, Marlon.

Shawn Howell Wayans was born as the second child between the actor and comedian, Marlon and his long-term girlfriend, Angelica. The couple was together from 1992 to 2013.

Angelica Zachary is half Japanese and half African-American while her ex-boyfriend is of African-American descent. This makes Howell Wayans racially mixed.

He Played Basketball While in High School

Wayans Shawn attended The Buckley School for his high school education. While there, he was actively playing basketball and was quite good as a point guard. Shawn’s love for basketball started at a tender age and since when he was 12 years old, he has been playing basketball. He was academically sound as well, according to his father’s tribute to him when he graduated from school.

Marlon Wayans even attends his son’s school games to watch him play basketball against other school teams. One time, while Shawn played at Bishop Alemany High School on December 27, 2019, his father was very invested in the game.

Marlon, during the basketball game, was seen hurling insults at the referees who he accused of being negligent of the fouls meted on his son. Asides from airing his displeasure during the game, the Scary Movie actor also took to his social media page to lament further.

As of 2022, Shawn attends Loyola Marymount University. He enrolled in the University in 2021, a year after graduating from high school.

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Shawn Howell Wayans’ Parents were Never Married

Marlon Wayans and Angelica Zachary were in a relationship from 1992 to 2013. Through their relationship, the couple birthed two children; Amai Wayans and Shawn Howell. Amai was born two years (May 24, 2000) before her brother, Shawn.

Shawn’s parents never got married although there are a lot of reports that claim they got married in 2005. However, Shawn Howell Wayan’s father’s interview reveals, he never got married.

According to the comedian, he was never married because of his mother as he did not want to divide his attention from her. He also thought the idea of marriage didn’t appeal to him. However, he believed that despite being 51 years old, he still has a chance of getting married.

The romance between the couple may have ended but their relationship did not. Sake of their kids, Marlon, and his ex-lover continued to keep in close communication. They raised their two children together and remained friends.

His Elder Sister, Amai, is Gay

Shawn Wayans’ elder sister, Amai Wayans, is openly a lesbian. She attends the University of Southern California and is active on social media which she also uses as means of activism. At the age of 19, her father posted a photo of his daughter flaunting the sole of her sneakers which had the pride colors.

The post was met with a lot of reactions from people who trolled the actor. Some fans and followers believe that the actor should chastise his daughter and reorient her sexual choice.

Others in the comment section believed that Amai was too young to identify as a lesbian. However, Marlon clapped back at the nay-sayers and told them off. Shawn’s father said he isn’t God and wouldn’t judge. He also stated that no matter what his daughter chooses, he loves her still and would support her decision.

What is Shawn Howell Wayans Up To?

He is still studying at the University at the moment and hasn’t given details about what he intends to do, career-wise. His extended family is well known in the entertainment industry as most of his uncles and cousins are entertainers, and it seems that he might be influenced.

As earlier stated, Howell is a basketball player and has been active in the sport for a while now. Basketball is a path the 22-year-old could be considering instead of acting or comedy, like his father.

On Shawn’s Instagram bio, he has up the tag ‘artist’. This may just be an indication that he has taken a liking to music, instead.

Being a celebrity kid has a lot of positives attached to it like an express ticket to Hollywood. Seeing that the Wayans brothers are a big shot in the entertainment industry, it wouldn’t take a lot to see Shawn Howell Wayans strut that path.

However, the young chap has something else that tickles his fancy seeing that he was more involved in basketball. He may just decide to snub his father’s career path and create a different celebrity status title for himself as a musician or a great basketball player.

The post Shawn Howell Wayans Is Marlon Wayans Son: Everything To Know About Him appeared first on WeAfrique.

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20 Nollywood Actors And Their Marital Status Fri, 03 Feb 2023 11:16:50 +0000 There are Nollywood actors whose marital status has been questioned by their fans. While some of them have been married and divorced, some have been married multiple times, others have never been married, and yet others believe they haven’t found the right partner even when their fans think age is no longer on their side. […]

The post 20 Nollywood Actors And Their Marital Status appeared first on WeAfrique.

There are Nollywood actors whose marital status has been questioned by their fans. While some of them have been married and divorced, some have been married multiple times, others have never been married, and yet others believe they haven’t found the right partner even when their fans think age is no longer on their side.

This article will look at 20 Nollywood actors, their marital status, and their spouses.

20 Nollywood Actors and Their Marital Status

1. Genevieve Nnaji

As regards her relationship and marriage, Genevive has remained private with her relationships. The “Lionheart” actress was rumored to have gotten married to AJ Charm, a Portuguese, in 2017, after she posted a picture on her Instagram page. It was later revealed that the duo was just friends and he was already married at the time.

She dated Nollywood actor Okechukwu Joseph for short while, which he said was a “disaster”. Similarly, she dated another actor, Pat Attah for about 2 years and he referred to the relationship as “great”.

She has also been associated with musicians D’banj and Lynnx, former Nigeria’s vice president, Atiku Abubakar, and Kaduna-born screenwriter and director, Alhaji Ishaya Bako.

This famous actress was also rumored to swing both ways as she was also linked to some women. She was accused of being the brain behind Olamide Agunloye’s marriage crash. She was also romantically linked to another lesbian, Ella Marti, after a picture of the duo kissing surfaced on the internet.

The actress has a child who she bore at the age of 17. She has not revealed who the father of her daughter is nor the current state of their relationship.

2. Jim Iyke

Nollywood Actors
Jim Iyke (Image Source)

As regards his marital status, this Nollywood bad boy is single. However, the actor revealed in an interview that he had a failed marriage. Although he has not revealed the identity of his ex-spouse, he was rumored to have been married to US-based Lithuanian lawyer, Dana Kinduryte, who is the mother of his first child, Harvis Chidubem. A wedding picture surfaced to prove this.

Similarly, he was engaged once to Ghanaian actress, Nadia Buari, it didn’t make it to the altar. 3 years after the engagement, he revealed it was all in a bid to increase his ratings and he never really dated the actress.

He has been romantically involved with a couple of famous women including  Stephnora Okere, a Cuban-Jamaican-American model, Keturah Hamilton, Sandra Iyame, Nkechi Benson, Tutupie Sheriff, and Juliet Ibrahim.

His first son, Harvis, was born in 2015. Jim has gotten ahead to have 2 more children from other women.

3. Chioma Chukwuka-Akpotha

The Nollywood actress got married to Franklin Akpotha in 2006, and their union has been blessed with 2 children, who she completely keeps away from the media. She revealed that it was a decision taken by both her and her husband to keep their family private.

Her marriage has been smooth until 2022 when it was revealed that she was going through a divorce. It was revealed that she was a victim of domestic abuse. This came after the actress described her husband as her best friend and rock.

4. Ramsey Nouah

Ramsey Nouah married Emelia Philips-Nouah in 2002, at the age of 32, in a low-key ceremony. There are no details as to where or how they met.

However, in 2015, rumors emerged that the Nigerian actor did not marry his wife legally, and to buttress the rumor, it was said that he never wore a wedding ring.

Similarly, in 2018, the actor was involved in a scandal where an unidentified woman claimed that she was his legally wedded wife. He revealed that the episode almost ruined his marriage and it was just a move to extort money from him.

Ramsey Nouah and his wife are blessed with 3 children, Desiree, Quincy, and Camiel Nouah. They celebrated their 20th Anniversary in 2022.

5. Funke Akindele

Funke Akindele has been married twice. First to Lagos-based politician, Kehinde Oloyede in May 2012, but the couple divorced due to irreconcilable differences, in July of 2013, barely a year after they tied the knot.

Similarly, the Nollywod actress got married to Nigerian rapper and producer, Abdulrasheed Bello, popularly known as JJC Skillz, in 2016. The duo welcomed its twin boys in December 2018. Sadly, in 2022, after 6 years of marriage, the couple called it quits as announced by JJC Skillz on his Instagram page. At the time of this writing, they were still navigating through the divorce

6. Nonso Diobi

This Nigerian actor has raised a lot of eyebrows as regards his relationships, as he keeps them under wraps. Many are wondering if the actor would ever get married, considering his age. People have gone ahead to speculate that he is gay, which is why he is not yet married after all he has achieved.

He his defense, the actor revealed that he is not married because a lot of women are not patient with actors due to their lack of understanding of the nature of their jobs. He added that he was in a relationship but would not disclose with who.

However, this “notorious bachelor” is a single father, he announced the arrival of his son in November 2019, with an undisclosed woman.

7. Ini Edo

Nollywood Actors
Ini Edo (Image Source)

One of the Nollywood baddies got married to American-based businessman, Philip Ehiagwina in 2008. After 6 years of matrimony, the couple got divorced in 2014.

The Nigerian actress has been romantically linked with other men after her divorce, but she has not settled with anyone yet. She said marriage is crazy and comes with a lot of distractions and complications which she is not ready for now.

In 2021, the Nigerian actress welcome a child via surrogacy, with the help of a sperm donor, and intends to raise her child alone.

8. Emeka Ike

Emeka Ike’s marriages and relationships have not been nearly successful as his career. the Nollywood actor first got married to Suzzane Emma, a half-Dutch-half- Nigerian. Their union was blessed with 4 children.

15 years after their wedding, Suzanne filed for a divorce from the actor. After 2 years of a messy and controversial feud, their divorce was finalized in 2017, and the custody of their 4 children was awarded to him.

The actor was accused of molestation, torture, and domestic violence by his ex-wife, all of which he denied. He added that if he was violent and abusive, the court wouldn’t have given him custody of their four children.

The actor later came out to confirm that it was the other way around, and he was the one being abused. He added that it was God who saved him.

3 years after his divorce from his first wife, he got married to Yolanda Pfeiffer, a South African. The actor revealed he met her at an award ceremony in Germany, fell in love, and got married. They are blessed with a child.

9. Kate Henshaw

Kate Henshaw got married in 1999, to British-born Roderick James Nuttal. The couple was blessed with a daughter, Gabrielle Nuttal. Sadly, the union ended in 2011 and the duo got divorced, after allegations of unfaithfulness on both sides.

Since the divorce, the Nollywood actress has kept her love life under wraps and there’s no information about any of her relationships, however, she has not remarried.

The actress was involved in a couple of relationships including one with the late Nigerian Gospel singer, Sammie Okposo, who was accused of beating her at the slightest provocation. She was also said to have been involved with Nigerian comedian, Bright Okwocha, popularly known as Basketmouth.

In 2022, pictures surfaced of the actress sharing a kiss with the lesbian sister of Nse Ikpe Etim, a Nollywood actress. The picture sparked a lot of controversies as she was accused of being a lesbian which was why she never remarried.

10. Osita Iheme

This Nollywood actor is single and has never been married. His relationship and romantic life have been under wraps for as long as we can remember. However, he has been linked to a couple of women within and outside the industry.

First, he was linked to Ghanaian actress, Nana Ama McBrown, to whom he was reportedly married. It was later confirmed to be just a media rumor and the actor was not married.

Similarly, he was linked to another lady named Noma, which again turned out to be nothing but a rumor. He revealed that he believes that marriage is a significant step in life and wanted to find the perfect moment first. The question on the lips of his fans is “When will be the perfect moment?”.

11. Adunni Ade

A lot of questions have been who is Adunni’s husband and what he does. The answer to this is, The mixed-race actress has never been married. However, she has been in a long-term relationship with Michael Boyd.

The duo met in the US and went on to have 2 beautiful children, D’Marion and Ayden. Sadly, the relationship ended after 9 years.

There were speculations that they were married and divorced, but the actress revealed they were never married and in fact, the lack of willingness to a lifelong commitment was the reason for their breakup.

After the breakup with the father of her children, the actress decided to relocate back to Nigeria and raise her children as a single mother, while waiting for the right person.

12. IK Ogbonna

The Nigerian actor got married in 2015 to Columbian model, Sophia Morales. The duo met on Instagram and soon after, they became an item. Their marriage was blessed with a son. However, after 4 years of the marital union, the couple split in 2019.

After the divorce, the actor has chosen to remain single while co-parenting the son borne to him by his ex-wife.

IK has been involved with different women in and outside the industry including Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim.

13. Tonto Dikeh

Tonto married Olakunle Churchill, the Former President of Nigeria’s nephew in her hometown in Rivers state on August 29, 2015. The marriage was blessed with a son in 2016,  and by 2017, things had already turned sour between the couple leading to a very messy breakup.

After her split from her husband, she went back into the dating scene and got involved in some other relationships that ended badly as well.

The actress is currently single, however, she revealed she was in a relationship but promised to hide her spouse from the public like a plague due to her history of messy breakups.

This actress has been linked to many other celebrities when it comes to her love life. She was said to have dated Mavin Boss, Don Jazzy, Wizkid, Iyanya, and Solid Star among others.

14. Charles Inojie

Contrary to what some people think, Charles Inojie is not married to the late Nollywood actress, Ada Ameh, who plays the role of Mrs. Emuakpo Johnson, in the famous sitcom, “The Johnsons”.

The Nollywood actor is married to Obehi Obhiseh, with whom he shares two children. They got married on November 17, 2012.

In 2013, the actor was involved in a scandal after an Abuja-based lady accused him of fathering her daughter. She claimed that they had a relationship in 2011 but after she got pregnant the actor stopped picking up her calls. It was revealed that at the time, he was already in another relationship with his current wife.

Charles and his wife celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in November 2022.

15. Ngozi Ezeonu

This veteran actress was previously married to Edwin Ezeonu, with whom she had 3 children. Sadly, their marriage hit the rocks in 2013 and their divorce was finalized in 2015.

The cause for their split is not known, however, it is worthy of note that her ex-husband did not attend their first daughter’s wedding in February 2020.

Edwin Ezeonu revealed that he was not recognized as the father of the bride during his daughter’s wedding and was denied the privilege of giving his daughter’s hand. This was because the actress did not inform him of the plans to marry off his daughter.

He also asked the actress to desist from using his name as her last name since they have been divorced for almost a decade. In all these, the actress has not given any comments or told her side of the story. However, she is currently single.

16. Daniel Etim Effiong

One of the most crushed-on Nollywood actors in recent times is married to producer and author, Toyosi Philips. The duo tied the knot on November 4, 2017, and their marriage has been blessed with 2 children.

This revelation will break some of his admirers’ hearts but this actor is taken and with the way he’s going, he will not be up for grabs anytime soon.

17. Tina Mba

This Nigerian actress’ view on marriage is quite strange, especially for her generation, where marriage was seen as the ultimate. In an interview, she revealed that marriage is a burden and a huge responsibility.

Even though she has an ideal partner whom she says is the love of her life, she is not too keen on the idea of marriage. She revealed that she has found love and will stay in love.

Tina Mba is a single mother of two. However, because of her private lifestyle, the father of her children and the circumstances surrounding their relationship is not known.

18. Deyemi Okanlawon

While some might think he is an eligible bachelor, Deyemi Okanlawon has been married for over a decade and is blessed with two children, Demide and Adeife Okanlawon born July 10, 2016, and December 18, 2017, respectively.

He married his wife Damilola in January 2013. The lovebirds met they were at the university and have been together ever since. The actor revealed that at the time he got married, he could not afford to take his wife to Paris for honeymoon but only got to do so for their 6th anniversary.

The actor never fails to flaunt his family on his social media pages. He celebrated his 10th wedding anniversary in January 2023.

See Also: 12 Greatest Nollywood Actresses Ever

19. Bisola Aiyeola

The actress is a mother of one, she is currently single and raising her daughter, Leyla. The actress had a daughter from a previous relationship with the late artiste manager and promoter, Olarewaju Malcolm.

There were rumors that he left the actress at the altar on their wedding day while carrying his child. However, the artiste’s manager debunked these rumors before his death. he revealed that the cause of their breakup was the fact that they did not complement each other.

20. Richard Mofe Damijo

One of Nollywood’s legendary actors first married journalist and publisher May Ellen Ezekiel, popularly known as MEE, with whom he had 2 children. Sadly, she died in 1996 after undergoing surgery for fibroid.

Subsequently, he married TV personality, Jumobi Adegbesan in 2000, who bore him 2 more children.

The actor has another son, who was born before his first marriage, making him the father of 5. They have created a beautiful family and home with his wife and their marriage has been void of any scandals so far.

The post 20 Nollywood Actors And Their Marital Status appeared first on WeAfrique.

Who Is Stevie Vann: Details About The Singer No One Told You About Wed, 26 Oct 2022 14:35:38 +0000 Stevie Vann is a Zambian-born British singer and vocal coach best known for her work as a backing vocalist and studio singer. She was born Stevie van Kerken and is also known as Stevie Lange. Her interest in music began at an early age. The -year-old was formerly married to Mutt Lange, who left her […]

The post Who Is Stevie Vann: Details About The Singer No One Told You About appeared first on WeAfrique.

Stevie Vann is a Zambian-born British singer and vocal coach best known for her work as a backing vocalist and studio singer. She was born Stevie van Kerken and is also known as Stevie Lange. Her interest in music began at an early age.

The 71-year-old was formerly married to Mutt Lange, who left her to marry singer, Shania Twain.

The Zambian vocalist now runs a website as a professional vocal coach for beginners and intermediate singers. She has coached quite a number of famous artists including Tina Turner, Jamie Cullum, and Marvin Gaye.

Stevie Vann's Personal Profile

  • Full name:Stevie van Kerken
  • Nickname: Stevie
  • Date of birth: January 01, 1953
  • Age: 71 years old
  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Place of birth: Mufulira Zambia
  • Nationality: British, Zambian
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Marital Status: Divorced
  • Ex-husband: Mutt Lange

Who is Stevie Vann?

Born Stevie van Kerken on January 01, 1953, Stevie Vann was raised in a small village close to the Congo border, Mufulira, Zambia. Her father was a copper miner while her mother worked as a doctor. Her parents encouraged her to play the piano at the early age of 6. At the age of 12, she started singing in a dance band.

Since she was too young to drive, her father used to take her to gigs. As soon as she was 16, she started her own television show in which she danced and sang.

She Released Two LPs as a Teenager

Stevie Vann released two LPs in her late teens. For that, she was voted as Top Female Vocalist in South Africa. After winning, she was presented with the Sarie Award by Peter Sellers. Also, Vann’s fame as a teenager made her one of the best TV and radio jingle singers in South Africa.

While attending Belfast high school in South Africa, she met her future husband, Mutt Lange. Together they formed the band Hocus before they both migrated to the United Kingdom in the 1970s.

Soon she started working as a studio singer as well as a backup singer for bands like Bones. She also worked with a few musicians before meeting Chris Thompson in 1978. The latter would later invite her to be part of a new band he was forming.

Upon joining Thompson’s Night, the band recorded two albums. The first album reached No.113 on the US Billboard album charts after it was released in 1979. The album also topped several music charts in the US and South Africa.

Despite the mainstream fame, Night later disbanded in 1982. Stevie Vann decided to continue her career as a solo artist, backup singer, and also commercial jingle singer. While in the UK, she worked for Trio and Bodyform.

Besides contributing vocals for acts like Chaka Khan, and Wildhearts, she toured with Elton John for two years as a backing vocalist. Then in the late 1990s, she worked with Lange on projects before he later produced her self-titled solo album.

Ablum & singles


  • Stevie Vann (1995)


  • Don’t Want to Cry No More (1979)
  • Remember My Name(1981)
  • I’ll Take Your Heart
  • Without Your Love (I Can’t Live)

The Singer’s Marriage with Mutt Lange 

As it has been stated, Stevie met Mutt Lange(born Robert John Mutt Lange) while they were both attending the same high school. They married in the 1970s before moving to the UK.

However, while they were still married, Lange allegedly started a five-year relationship with his co-worker, Oonagh O’Reilly. The marriage later ended around the late 1970s and early 1980s. Although the preseason for their divorce was not revealed, there have been speculations that Lange cheated on Vann.

Following the crash of their marriage, Stevie’s ex-husband went on to date and marry singer Shania Twain. As for her, reports say she did not remarry but this cannot be verified. Vann might have moved on with her life but has kept it private. Whatever the case may be, she has not been linked to anybody since after Lange.

The Zambia-born singer and vocalist continued to work with Mutt Lange for years and are still good friends.

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Where is Stevie Vann Now?

Stevie Vann still goes by the name Stevie Lange. She hardly sings or lends her vocals in recent times but she has now focused on her career as a vocal coach. She has a website where she runs vocal coaching classes for beginners and intermediate singers.

According to, she also has an interest in vocal production and records production. The vocal coach claims she has coached some big names in the music industry. Some of them include Marvin Gaye Tina Turner, Rita Ora, Pharrell Williams, and Jamie Cullum.

The post Who Is Stevie Vann: Details About The Singer No One Told You About appeared first on WeAfrique.

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